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[Solved] Error: 1013

hey everyone, I was starting my dev app as usual and I noticed that my avatar wasn't appearing, I check console, and I found it constantly repeating
WebSocket closed with code 1013: AuthProviderDiscoveryFailed
logging.ts:96 Attempting reconnect in 118.9021804382428ms
logging.ts:96 WebSocket reconnected
WebSocket closed with code 1013: AuthProviderDiscoveryFailed
logging.ts:96 Attempting reconnect in 118.9021804382428ms
logging.ts:96 WebSocket reconnected
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Tanstack query with usePaginatedQuery is not working

I'm having trouble using TanStack Query's usePaginatedQuery. It doesn’t seem to behave as expected, and TypeScript is throwing errors. Here’s the code and the error I’m encountering: Working Example This works fine: ...

Preloading stateful pagination

Can you mix usePreloadedQuery with usePaginatedQuery? I'm server-rendering search results for SEO purposes in Next 15 — but once the client's hydrated, from there I want to empower the use to filter.

Lemon Squeezy

Does anyone know how to integrate Lemon Squeezy with Convex?

[storage] Is it possible to reference file url instead of storage id in a table?

Hi, I've just started trying out Convex file storage. The documentation uses a chat app example ( 1. If the message is an image, it's message.body is a storage id 2. when retrieving that message, the convex function uses await to convert storage id to file url I observed that ...

Type inference is not ok. Is assuming the user properties are null

```ts import { query } from "./_generated/server"; import { paginationOptsValidator } from "convex/server"; import { getAll } from "convex-helpers/server/relationships"; ...

How to implement pagination with join and filtering

Given that I have these 2 tables that describes a 1-to-many relationship: "a user can be member of 1 or many groups" ```typescript defineSchema({ groups: defineTable({ group_name: v.string(),...

convex google oauth issue

I configured the google oauth in the providers, but got an error. `providers: [ GitHub({ profile(githubProfile) {...

How can i add phone auth to an existing user with Convex Auth

I have a user who's signed up and I want to enable them the ability to also sign in with their phone number. Most of the documentation shows showing either logging in with phone or with email but not both. It seems like there is a shouldLinkViaPhone and shouldLinkViaEmail in the createAccount function but i'm not sure how to implement it. Also is there a way to store the phone number without verifying it? Say we only want to verify (with phone) our Users in the US rather than all of them. At first glance, it seems like i'd have to create a separate user_profile table but i wonder if there's a way to do this directly in the existing auth tables....

HTTP Path Suffix Not Working?

Now it is almost midnight for me so I could have missed something, but I'm not able to get HTTP routes like$params Am i doing something wrong? I get the Response No matching routes found The docs:
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Pricing Plans

Hello Convex Team, I am currently building a Next.js chat application for a client. I am stuck at estimating price for the product as I am unsure how does Convex charge. Can you help me a detailed pricing plan. I will be using the data & files module in my chat application...

[Resolved] - TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'signIn' of useAuthActions

Using @tanstack/start and when I go to create a signin component: ``` import { useAuthActions } from "@convex-dev/auth/react"; ...

issue with convexAuthNextjsMiddleware

i am using convexAuthNextjsMiddleware as my middleware and when using nextjsMiddlewareRedirect it changes the route but not the url

convex aggregate documentation

I'm not sure if the documentation missing something, but i keep getting: Expected 3 type arguments, but got 1. "@convex-dev/aggregate": "^0.1.16",...
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convex auth token outside React component

In a React component, we use useAuthToken to get a token, but how could we get such token in just a plain TS file?

I'm trying to upload data but it says Property 'store' does not exist on type 'StorageWriter'

How can I upload stuff? I'm reading this but the .store does not exists "convex": "^1.17.2", ```ts ...

ConvexAuthNextjsServerProvider not exported

From the docs for NextJS ( Wrap your app in ConvexAuthNextjsServerProvider from @convex-dev/auth/nextjs/server But ConvexAuthNextjsServerProvider is not exported from @convex/auth package in v0.0.74. Means that a bunch of the NextJS steps including, I presume, middleware are not achievable as the docs say?...

Convex Auth on the server?

I'm using Convex Auth, Convex Ents, and TanStack Start. I want to be able to take advantage of the beforeLoad method of each route to redirect unauthenticated users as it's wasteful and prone to security leaks if I rely sole on the Authenticated and Unathenticated components as people have been suggesting here. Now I get that sessions are managed in localstorage, and it's a tall order to validate that on the server (wouldn't be a problem if you used cookies instead), but is there a plan to be able to let us get the auth status of a user on the server? There's already a way to use Convex calls on the server, so surely there's a way to check if a user is authenticated or not?...

How do i deploy backend?

I followed and tried both vercel and netlify, but it only deploys the frontend ive got all of the env keys correct and it still does not work

Backend URL Vercel

What would be the Backend URL for a Convex application deployed on Vercel?