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Can a Convex project can route exceptions to multiple Sentry DSNs simultaneously? Documentation shows a Configure Sentry popup that seems to have a single field for the Sentry Data Source Name (DSN)....

Working on importing/migrating from another database

I'm just starting to experiment with migrating data over from Postgres. I see that "each row's entries are interpreted either as a (floating point) number or a string." Got it. However, when I do the import (csv), every value ends up in convex with quotation marks around it. This is messing up my boolean fields. How can I find/replace/update all rows/fields where I have a boolean so that it removes the quotation marks?

Offline Mutations

Hello! I was experimenting with the convex-next.js sample and noticed something: when I switch Chrome to offline mode and send a few messages, the mutation doesn’t throw any errors. When I reconnect to the network, the messages are sent as expected. I understand from the docs that Convex automatically saves these messages. However, is there a way to know if my mutation has been cached for later/retry? This would help prevent users from accidentally triggering the same action/mutation multiple times while offline or experiencing bad network. Sorry if i missed it in the docs, but I can't seem to find any recommendations....

Custom domain on Convex Auth

Hi! I upgraded to Convex Pro to get a custom domain working on my OAuth providers. I've completed all the steps described here to use a CUSTOM_AUTH_SITE_URL, but I still see the long url "" that doesn't appear trustworthy to users. Any help? I applied for Google verification, but that process takes a long time so I would appreciate help in the meantime!

Push id of a newly created document to another on creation

My schema looks like this: ```ts boards: defineTable({ title: v.string(), users: v.array("users")),...

const { isAuthenticated } = useConvexAuth(); does not refresh in React Native

Hey convex people, It would be very much appreciated if we have a guide for convex auth on react native. By guide, I mean the middleware setup for _layout files and handle the navigation properly for file base navigation in react native. It will go a long way to improve the structure of our apps because I have just been winging it and it doesn't feel right. Lately, const { isAuthenticated } = useConvexAuth();...

Running into some cryptic error. Help needed.

I am running into some error. This is on React 19, Nextjs 15 and all latest Convex. Has anyone seen this?
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How does convex provide for multi region?

If we have core users across multiple continents, is Convex able to be configured to cache at edge near clients, or to optimise for certain geographies. With the request times from dev apps running in AUS, it seems like convex servers are running only in US (just a guess based on round trip ms)

Pricing for high fan-out + high cache hit use cases

Hey folks, I recently started experiment partially moving a project of mine to use convex and I'm a bit reluctant to fully move over due to the pricing structure. We are building realtime-ish online game rooms (think e.g. Poker) and have tried many technologies to globally share the game state (manual websockets, SSE, supabase realtime, and most recently convex) and Convex has been the most compelling option by far but it feels slightly unfair that each user connected to the game room (in the case of Poker that's 9 users all getting the exact same game state) gets charged a full function call despite it being cached by the first client to request it. Are there any plans to revise the function calls pricing model around these high fanout high cache hit use cases?...

Backtick v/s double-quotes in table records?

Hi everyone! I’m trying to export some records from a Convex entry for testing/debugging purposes, and I’ve run into a formatting issue that I need some clarity on. Here’s what’s happening: - I used the right-click "Copy" option to get the data to my clipboard, intending to paste it into my IDE for inspection. - I expected the data to be JSON, but it seems there’s a difference: some text fields (generated using text interpolation at creation time) are stored in a backtick-encapsulated format rather than double quotes. ...
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using convex auth & nextjs router. using router.back() does not refresh auth in time.

i have a convex & nextjs app. convex api that runs on the main page: ```export const get = query({ handler: async (ctx) => {...
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Scheduled jobs with large payloads

I receive data at an endpoint. I need to insert this data quickly and respond with a 200. Later, I'll do some additional processing and then write the original data to storage. That helps me keep large documents out of the DB. The trouble is that Convex has a per document limit of 1MB, and my payloads can reach 2-3mb. An alterative is I write to storage and not to the database. Then enqueue an action to retrieve from storage and write the subset of the data to the database. Is this all sounding like the correct way to handle things? Is writing to storage fast, dependent on the document size? It's important my API endpoint respond quickly to the caller....

Sonner toast promise error

I don’t know if this error is related to convex or not, but I’ll ask just in case. In my project I use the Sonner library for toast and when I call the promise function *(so that toast depends on the result of loading/success/error) *on the local one it produces everything correctly, but when deployed to netlify it always produces only an error I attached a video where I do the same actions on localhost and netlify example of my use...

Unclear deployment log

I would have expected to see something like "deployed with access token 'foo'" not "Convex updated the configuration"
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Limit Domain

I’m using convex auth together with Google OAuth2 authentication. How do I limit users strictly to a single domain? I’ve been able to add to the url, but want to make sure it’s limited before users are added....

npx convex dev doesnt download generated code from another repo

i have 2 separate repo that i plan use to share convex backend. One is working fine, the new one (expo project), even after successfully running npx convex dev doesnt seems to load the functions correctly.
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How to properly update many to many records with ents?

Do I need to update (add or remove) on both sides or one is enough for convex to figure out? I.e: ```ts await payLink.patch({ customers: { add: [customer._id] },...

How do I run `tsc --noEmit` for a convex project

I want to do the following 1. have source files that are not in the convex folder (since convex will report errors) 2. run the tsc --noEmit command that executes typechecks for the entire project...

How to update TipTap using prosemirror-sync via server

Do you have a guide on how to update using the prosemirror-sync extension on the server.