Feature Request: return the number the page is on in `.paginate()`
Fetching another document's data via id in query
import { authTables } from "@convex-dev/auth/server";
import { defineSchema, defineTable } from "convex/server";
import { v } from "convex/values";...How to get the URL of an image in the storage by its id?
import { httpRouter } from "convex/server";...`npx convex dev` always adds `.env.local` to `.gitignore`?
at the bottom of .gitignore
, even though it's already listed above. I think this is being added automatically during the initialization process. Is there a way to disable this, or to improve the .gitignore
pattern matching so it doesn't get added?...Hitting error "found wrong number of app bundles" in dev CLI
Convex Auth JWT Subject
and then signIn
again, the sub
field in my JWT token changes
The first part is remaining constant which is the userId
but then the second part is changing.
For example:
Initialy when I logged in the sub
field in decoded JWT token was k172bx4p67v9qdhtac9n508ckn76vs10|jn73yr27ask6fsjjs8mzr4xhm576tczh
...Deleting Users from Backend Function that are Synced with Clerk
import { clerkClient } from "@clerk/nextjs/server";...Resize function window
Architecture of larger convex apps.
TS type error: Property 'messages' does not exist on type '{}'.ts(2339) (internal.messages)
Http referrers in google console via convex actions
to call the api from the server deployments, and have also added a referer to the headers of the fetch request made from the action. ...Debug Production
Programmatically force convex to reload and re authenticate ?
Accessing database in an action
does not expose db
. This forces me to write much longer code like the first below, instead of the second.
export const set = internalAction({
args: { key: v.string() },
handler: async (ctx, { key }) => {...unique() query returned more than one result
Should I use `users` table or `profiles`?
table from Convex Auth for storing additional user data, or should I better create profiles
table and store it there, not touching the users
table? Which one is considered a best practice for Convex Auth?[Backup & restore]: Force overwrite
Hit an error while importing: _id p1703ysnrnkv5skgsshk2zaa0h76ch4j cannot be imported into 'subscription' because it came from a different deployment and conflict with preexisting tables in this deployment. Try deleting preexisting tables or importing into an empty deployment.
Hit an error while importing: _id p1703ysnrnkv5skgsshk2zaa0h76ch4j cannot be imported into 'subscription' because it came from a different deployment and conflict with preexisting tables in this deployment. Try deleting preexisting tables or importing into an empty deployment.
Intergrate Github OAuth but cannot create new User
Can anyone give me the correct build command override for vercel?