punny code
module is deprecated. Please use a userland alternative instead.
(Use node --trace-deprecation ...
to show where the warning was created)
does everyone get this warning...Deploy individual functions
npx convex deploy --only functionName
provided that the function works with the already deployed schemaUncaught Error: Provider password is not configured
zod return validator in convex-helpers?
Convex Auth Magic Link with Resend: Uncaught Error: Uncaught Error: Index users.email not found.
signIn("resend", formData)
, I'm getting the error:
error Error: [CONVEX A(auth:signIn)] [Request ID: 09412de9cb7c47e3] Server Error
Uncaught Error: Uncaught Error: Index users.email not found.
at uniqueUserWithVerifiedEmail (../../../../node_modules/@convex-dev/auth/dist/server/implementation.js:881:43)...Convex Auth... Authenticated works but auth.getUserId(ctx) returns null
Convex Auth Apple
How do get userId to display on convex data table?
How does the search bar in https://www.convex.dev/can-do work?
Error boundary template/example
how to use auth0 with nextjs app; auth0 is working but useAuthenticated still shows false;
Failed to install @convex-dev/convex-react-query
Can Convex Auth be a OAuth 2 Provider for other apps?
Convex Auth Error with Microsoft Entra
ctx.db.get() Always returning a Doc<'users'> typed doc
Convex Auth Prod