Are there example repos using Convex Ents?
Setting oauth scopes with Convex Auth
scope only. Is there a way to do that currently?Schema Intersection
[Convex Auth]: Monorepo Expo app: "Unable to resolve @convex-dev/auth/server" ...
has a dependency on packages/backend
as "@flimmer/backend": "*",
...Fetching the file url and then render the associated file
Prod build error broken: 403 Forbidden: ReadOnlyAdminKey: You do not have permission
How to auth in local mode
"Could not verify token claim"
Error on deploy: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'addHttpRoutes')
Can I use convex file storage to upload a javascript file?
Issue with asyncMap in convex-helpers and Next.js 14.2.5
where get ConvexVectorStore?
Storage generate upload url new features
Need help regarding bandwidth
Type check help - Passing an Object of type Doc<"table_name"> but has partial values
Strange Doc type/inference: "[x: string]: any;, _id: Id<string>;"
returns this strange thing: {
[x: string]: any;
_id: Id<string>;
[x: string]: any;
_id: Id<string>;
Is there a recommended way to use Convex on "admin mode"
.jpg images are uploading with 0 KB while .webp are OK
Need help using the uploadstuff api
Support `--success` with `npx convex dev --tail-logs`
as an additional flag? (or by default)