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Convex Auth e2e test with Playwright

I currently use the Email OTP provider, I couldn't figure a way to get verification code within the test environment without exposing this code somewhere in memory that is globally available but unsafe. Migrating from Clerk, Clerk solved this by doing 2 things - Every email login with clerk_test in the email is treated as a fake user.... For example - Every user with that kind of email address can verify auth with 424242 (This code works for only users with clerk_test in their email...

How to use mutations with Remix actions

Hey all. I'm pretty new to Remix and Convex but wanting to build something with it. Trying to use actions in Remix to call a Convex mutation to insert form data into a table. I can't find much info about using mutations outside of useMutation, which does not work in an action. Any pointers on how to pull this off? Thanks! (PS: No rush, I'm signing out for a few hours)...


trying to deploy a Vite project from vercel I have a monorepo, because I also have native project I can't figure out what the right command ...

How to return id from db in my case

i use this code for write embeddings in my database:
const res = await ConvexVectorStore.fromDocuments(splitDocs, embeddings, { ctx });
const res = await ConvexVectorStore.fromDocuments(splitDocs, embeddings, { ctx });
Logic my app is - get id some embedding and pass it in Langchain context . But i need get id its embeddings from db - variable res don`t give me this info. How to do this?...

convexAction in @convex-dev/react-query ?

How can we invoke convex actions using @convex-dev/react-query? PS: loving convex-dev/react-query so far. Great work!...

Error importing @convex-dev/react-query in expo project

I'm getting the following error trying to import this package in expo project Cannot find module '@convex-dev/react-query' or its corresponding type declarations. There are types at 'node_modules/@convex-dev/react-query/dist/esm/index.d.ts', but this result could not be resolved under your current 'moduleResolution' setting. Consider updating to 'node16', 'nodenext', or 'bundler'....

Auth0 with convex in vanilla js PWA.

Hello. I am trying to wire up convex with auth0 in a vanilla js progressive web app. Docs seem to only cover this for a react app, and I am having trouble getting this to work in vanilla js pwa. I have added auth.config.ts file with my Auth0 provider (specifying domain and applicationID). Auth through Auth0 works fine, as I am able to get logged in. In my convex query I added the following check:...

Typescript error for @tanstack/react-query when extra parameter is added

lookup.ts (convex. server) ```ts import { zCustomQuery } from "convex-helpers/server/zod"; import { query } from "./_generated/server"; import { NoOp } from "convex-helpers/server/customFunctions";...
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handling file type, and a small issue with a server package

Issue #1: I was trying to use the file system from google seen here -> google docs, in which I have a file called model.ts that already has some working structure (using async functions and convex built in functions), but when I try importing the GoogleAIFileManager I ran through this error: ```bash ⠋ Preparing Convex functions... X [ERROR] Could not resolve "fs" ...

Convex auth does not work with defineEntSchema

is there a way to make it work? My entire project schema is using defineEntSchema and not the defineSchema
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How do I define a more complex object with convex values?

is there a way to define object like: ``` type Product = { ... } ...

zod vs convex validators

Hi, we're internally discussing whether we should be defining our schema and interfaces with zod or convex validators. Thanks to the convex-helpers package it seems to be possible to use both. Zod seems to have more granularity, works better with other libraries like AI SDKs and supports recursive types. What's the main benefit of using validators or something else I might be missing?...

Errors Ergonomics

Hello, two questions regarding Errors, Auth and Pagination Context: I use firebase authentication that I inject within my convex queries with the auth hook. So, at the end of the day, I get server-side the auth id of my users thanks to ctx.auth.getUserIdentity(). I used the approach to throw a ConvexError on the server if some query requests are not authenticated according to this doc. Problem:...

I need help with convex+langchain

I use convex and langchain to create my rag application. In my case i need add to context specific data from my db - logic my application is serching some embeddings by id from my vectoredb then i use its embeddings for generate answer - but if i just add to context from RunnableSequence my embeddings i need use some format or embeddings are enough for this? I dont find this sample in langchain documentation

GET /.well-known/openid-configuration is 404'ing with Convex Auth

I have recently implemented Convex Auth in my app, and it was all working fine yesterday but when I came to it this morning I am getting this error in my logs when trying to log in. I added a http action at the end of the day yesterday, could that have affected it?...
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Convex Auth - Duplicate users in users table

I am using both password based and google oauth in convex auth. Signing up (password) and signing in (google) using my email in both - it's creating two entries in the users table. the email is duplicate but the id is obviously different. how do I ensure the duplicacy doesn't happen? ideally if someone logs in though google, can the same record be updated with the password if they were to sign up later again! not sure how it works. New of web dev.

Export of Convex Ents documentation

Is it possible to export the Convex Ents documentation into a single file?

Are there example repos using Convex Ents?

Are there open source or example repos using Convex Ents? I didn't get any search results from the GitHub search bar in the get-convex org.

Setting oauth scopes with Convex Auth

This may be Auth.js specific, but I'm hoping it can be handled in the Convex Auth api. The default scope for GitHub OAuth includes a user's private profile data, rather than just their email. I'd like to use read:user scope only. Is there a way to do that currently?

Schema Intersection

I try to create the following model: ```ts type Asset = { status: 'created' | 'removed' } & (...