Uploading service account file for authentication
which contains a path to a service account file.
My question is what I should set this path to and where I should put this service account file inside the convex local folder for it to be uploaded if that's even possible?...How to do an array contains query over a large table?
) on the table, values of which are arrays of strings.
What is the best way to find the documents in this table, such that the corresponding array at fieldA
contains a certain string?
...I use convex auth with nextjs setup, but userId always null
[Convex Auth]: automatic clean-up when deleting user/authAccount?
, authVerificationCodes
, authRefreshTokens
etc? 🙂
I couldn't find find it in the implementation, and I suppose you leave this functionality out to allow us full control over it, but maybe a "starter" would be nice that cleans up orphaned documents in the automatically created tables 🙂...convex throws error useres are not getting authenticated
`npx convex dev` consistently taking >30s to deploy functions
how to reduce bandwidth
`npx convex dev` hanging
npx convex dev
to hang on "Analyzing and deploying source code..."
"use node"
...latest version of clerk incompatible with convex
@clerk/nextjs: ^5.0.12 // works
@clerk/nextjs: ^5.3.0 // does not work
@clerk/nextjs: ^5.0.12 // works
@clerk/nextjs: ^5.3.0 // does not work
one function costed 17GB reads in one day
What's the best way to manage long running functions in convex actions?
✖ Failed to authorize ... configured in CONVEX_DEPLOYMENT, run `npx convex dev` to configure
npx convex dev
to configure a Convex project, upon running a command npx convex env get CLERK_SECRET_KEYA couple of questions about tsconfig
? Of course, excluding node_modules
etc....Convex Auth Sessions/Refresh Tokens
How to implement sort by reordering items in a list?
```js ...[ConvexAuth] Convex 1.14 seems to break ConvexAuthProvider token storage
Programmatically creating convex projects
I really dont get convex auth to work for my setup.
How to config password requirements in Convex Auth?
Convex Ents: inconsistent singularization of field names