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Uploading service account file for authentication

My code needs to communicate with Google Cloud Services and I need to store this env variable: GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS which contains a path to a service account file. My question is what I should set this path to and where I should put this service account file inside the convex local folder for it to be uploaded if that's even possible?...

How to do an array contains query over a large table?

Hi, I have a table with over 100k docs and I have a field (fieldA) on the table, values of which are arrays of strings. What is the best way to find the documents in this table, such that the corresponding array at fieldA contains a certain string? ...

I use convex auth with nextjs setup, but userId always null

``` export const authQuery = customQuery( query, customCtx(async (ctx) => { const userId = await auth.getUserId(ctx);...

[Convex Auth]: automatic clean-up when deleting user/authAccount?

Hi, does Convex Auth ship with a deleteUser/deleteAuthAccount functionality that automatically cleans up related documents in all the automatically generated tables such as authSessions, authVerificationCodes, authRefreshTokens etc? 🙂 I couldn't find find it in the implementation, and I suppose you leave this functionality out to allow us full control over it, but maybe a "starter" would be nice that cleans up orphaned documents in the automatically created tables 🙂...

convex throws error useres are not getting authenticated

theese are the files that are throwing error . i also use clerk for auth
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`npx convex dev` consistently taking >30s to deploy functions

Just want to make sure that I'm not doing something wrong. I'm seeing elevated function deployment times, but maybe this is expected. How should I assess this?
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how to reduce bandwidth

My App use very small amount of data, but bandwith is more than 100Gb. How I may reduse this?

`npx convex dev` hanging

Why does having this inside an action file cause npx convex dev to hang on "Analyzing and deploying source code..." ```ts "use node" ...
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latest version of clerk incompatible with convex

@clerk/nextjs: ^5.0.12 // works
@clerk/nextjs: ^5.3.0 // does not work
@clerk/nextjs: ^5.0.12 // works
@clerk/nextjs: ^5.3.0 // does not work

one function costed 17GB reads in one day

i have a developed an app that is being used by a team. the max i have hit yet was 3 gb per day every. but yesterday the reads were 17gb somehow. can i request a little review to see what went wrong? i did figure the function and fixed some issues but still i want to be sure if the reason in the dashboard is correct.
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What's the best way to manage long running functions in convex actions?

I have 3 async functions that depend one on each other so I can not do Promise.all I'm running these in internal action ("use node") each function can take ~5 seconds so total action execution time could take ~15 seconds Is this is healthy for convex? is there a better way todo this?...

✖ Failed to authorize ... configured in CONVEX_DEPLOYMENT, run `npx convex dev` to configure

I get: ✖ Failed to authorize "polite-parrot-32" configured in CONVEX_DEPLOYMENT, run npx convex dev to configure a Convex project, upon running a command npx convex env get CLERK_SECRET_KEY

A couple of questions about tsconfig

1. What's the reason of excluding the generated folder? We import modules from it anyway, just without autocomplete. 2. How to see the code that's being sent to Convex (queries, actions, etc.). I'm mostly interested in imported "shared" modules. 3. Is it okay to include ../**/*? Of course, excluding node_modules etc....

Convex Auth Sessions/Refresh Tokens

When using convex auth GitHub provider in my nextjs app router application when i log in i see that an authSession and authRefreshToken get created in the db but when i sign out its not deleted...then if i log back in there are 2 sessions and 2 refresh tokens ....are they supposed to be deleted on sign out?

How to implement sort by reordering items in a list?

I'm about to implement sorting in a table, where I would like to use either Framer motion or Atlassian Pragmatic drag and drop. Has anyone experience with mutations and how this can be done? This is the schema for what I want to sort by the ordercolumn. ```js ...

[ConvexAuth] Convex 1.14 seems to break ConvexAuthProvider token storage

Just had a issue where tokens weren't picked up by ConvexAuthProvider, after upgrading to Convex 1.14, going back to 1.13.2 fixed the issue, and saved jwt tokens were loaded as expected. Let me know if more info is needed...

Programmatically creating convex projects

Hey! I'm building a no code builder that uses convex on the back end. I was wondering who to contact if I wanted a way to spin up separate instances of the convex projects, set environmental variables, and provide shared access, all programmatically?

I really dont get convex auth to work for my setup.

Does convex auth support shared session token between subdomains? How does convex auth work with hono in http.ts?...

How to config password requirements in Convex Auth?

I don't want it to be minimum of 8 characters and I'm assuming i cant edit node_modules files.
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Convex Ents: inconsistent singularization of field names

In Convex Ents many-to-many relationships, I noticed that Convex Ents generates field names that use tables names themselves, as opposed to the singular forms of those table names. This behavior is inconsistent with the one-to-one and one-to-many relationships, which generate fields using the singular form of table names. Let's take the example in Here, ...