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Error in Server Component

hello there... I'm encountering an error in a server component and I'm unsure about the best approach to resolve it. Could you please provide guidance on how to handle this issue? error: Error: [Request ID: 04418ec216ae34ab] Server Error ArgumentValidationError: Value does not match validator....

Arduino Integration

Is there any way to integrate code from Arduino IDE into convex? Or somehow code to the arduino?

Connecting backend to frontend and facing issues with convex

Hi I am trying to send the request to make it appear on the frontend, but it is not agreeing with convex and we need help debugging.

Having trouble with implementing open ai to AI Chat using OpenAI's Assistants API template

added this to my team's environment however it's not working, OPENAI_API_URL= along with OPENAI_API_KEY...

python-convex db query

How can I query the convex database in Convex? I'd like to grab a row and column from a table with my pk matching, how can I do that in python?

Convex react client requires url

I am getting this error message: Uncaught Error: ConvexReactClient requires a URL like ''. This error shows up when I deploy to Vercel but does not show up on local....

convex-auth template error getAuthUserId

When I install the Convex Auth template with npm create convex -- -t get-convex/convex-auth-example, follow the setup and then do npx convex dev I get the error: ```convex/messages.ts:1:10 - error TS2305: Module '"@convex-dev/auth/server"' has no exported member 'getAuthUserId'. ...

Migrating a DB and Relationships

I'm looking at the import options and seeing that we can't include _id in the objects unless we have a Snapshot. See here: I'm totally fine with Convex creating new _ids, but I don't understand how relationships can be maintained when migrating from another service where I don't have the Snapshot. ...

arg validation error

There seems to be a mismatch between my argument and the validation structure I have setup. I am not sure what the difference is though there is the error: Value: "{"title":"Test Form!","questions":[{"question_text":"Name:","question_type":"text"},{"question_text":"Date:","question_type":"date"},{"question_text":"Favorite Animal","question_type":"multiple_choice","answer_choices":["Dog","Bird","Cat"]}]}" Validator: v.object({questions: v.array(v.object({answer_choices: v.optional(v.array(v.string())), question_text: v.string(), question_type: v.string()})), title: v.string()}) Here is my code:...

Google API Authentification Integration Help

Hello! We are wondering if there are any resources to help give us a direction on how to integrate Google API authentification into our project backend setup with Convex. We are specifically hoping to integrate emails, so we would have to integrate Google's Gmail API but am unsure how we might do this. Thank you in advance!

ctx.db.insert not returning id

SOLVED I am trying to insert a field and it is not returning the id. It is instead returning 'finished' Here is my code:...

Questions on environment variables and external packages.

I understand how to set keys in the online gui, but how do i use keys on my local machine? Do I just make an .env file? In addition I am also trying to use external node packages. I know I have to stick "use node" as a header at the top of the file, but to install the packages do I do a typical npm install [package name] installation or is there a proprietary way convex goes about this?...

ctx.db undefined

I am trying to use .get to get an entry by its id but I am getting the error Server Error Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'get') Here is my code snippet: export const chat = action({...

Unexpected error when authorizing - are you connected to the internet?TypeError: fetch failed

I am trying to run the convex dev server (npx run dev) and receving this error. Can someone help?

Unhandled Runtime Error

Got an unhandled error for useAuth can only be used with in ClerkProvider when I have put my useAuth inside it
No description

building app for web and mobile

Hi, I plan to build a web app and a mobile app, but I don't want to use a monorepo because I've heard it can be hard to manage. What other solutions can I use to build an API with Convex to serve both web and mobile apps?

Self-hosting ( convex on premise )

Hi, can i host convex in my server, and then create multiple projects?

Trouble using useQuery and convexQuery with queries that use ctx.auth.getUserIdentity()

So, like it says on the tin — I am unable to use the standard useQuery() (from convex/react) or the @convex-dev/react-query package's convexQuery() functions to call query() functions in my Convex API that check ctx.auth.getUserIdentity() as an auth guard mechanism. In other places in my nextjs project (server actions), I can invoke such query functions by adding a third argument with an auth token, like this: ```ts...

Advice Optimizing Search and Filters

Hi everyone, I'm working on a database project for Commonwealth case law and need some advice on optimizing my search and filter functionality. Here's my current setup and questions: 1. Overview...