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Convex Community

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Using convex docs in Cursor

I started using cursor ai, and I was curious if there was a good way to export all the convex docs into .md files that I could include as context in cursor for when I have it do work. Has anyone else done something like this? I guess I could just manually copy .md files from the convex github repo into my project and use those directly.

Pass auth context to actions

I am trying to call a mutation which schedules an internal action. This action uses other internal queries which check authotization, so I'm finding I often need to split one useful quey into a query and a helper function. Is there a nicer was to reuse code with my approach?

Unable to use convex as a submodule

I am using the same convex database for multiple apps and thus sharing the whole convex folder. Problem 1: should I leave the convex folder to be committed individually in each of the app? I am concerned the functions won't get stored properly because they each have different functions and some overlapping names. Problem 2: If I do want to share the convex folder across different apps, I couldn't think of a better way than submodule. However, as soon as I try to git init inside the convex folder, I got this error when running 'npx convex dev'...
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Is there a way to store an _id to snapshot name via api?

I'm wanting to make a list where organizations can download their own data. Is there a way to customize a snapshot export name and call the export snapshot via api?

Manually make requests

I have an open websocket connection to convex. How can I manually (not through code) make a request to my convex backend?

How to use rate limit with convex auth

I have my auth setup with http-email and I would like to rate limit it but it seems like not possible right now. I do use rate limiting for other mutations successfully second question is how to use rate-limiting in actions? ```typescript...

How to fix Uncaught Error: Not authenticated?

When I reload the page within my app, I get this error message in the Convex logs within the dashboard: ```js Aug 17, 18:58:42 ...

How to use skip in my useStableQuery?

I wonder if I can use skip using my useStableQuery, when args are not present. The reason I got to think about it was when I realised that I got a lot of similar logs like this one within Convex dashboard: ```js flows:getById failure...

[Convex Ents] Asymmetrical self-directed 1:many edges

Is that possible with Convex Ents? doesnt see it in the docs. Point is that I want a reply functionality. Which means that there is one message that replies to another (asymmetrical) but you can only reply to one message. But one message can be replied to by many messages.

AuthSessions and AuthRefreshTokens not deleted after signOut

Hello there! I am using convex auth with google provider and everything works perfectly in production and development. The issue here is every time I sign out the sessions are not deleted in prod and dev. That means if I sign in again, a second session will be created, and so on....

ConvexAuth error after prod on vercel

GET /api/auth/signin/* 302
GET /api/auth/callback/* 302
GET /api/auth/signin/* 302
GET /api/auth/callback/* 302

Has anyone tried Convex with Plasmo here?

I'm exploring Plasmo to extend my app with chrome extension, wondering if anyone had experience with plasmo + convex here. Also, is there any other chrome extension framework that works well with Convex?...

Cache vs memory perf in convex function scope

My understanding is that any query that runs in a convex query/mutation only runs against the database once, and further calls return a cached response. I'm trying to understand if this is effectively in-memory. Contrived scenario: - A query needs to return a list of hundreds of restaurants from the restaurants table...

action is not available to runAction / app / typescript

the stripe.ts and its actions are visible on dashboard but not available to ts / runAction
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Assistance Needed: Custom Domain API Connected but Action API Failing Verification

I was able to successfully connect my custom domain API, and it appears to be functioning as expected. However, I'm encountering an issue with my action API where it's unable to verify the connection. Could you please assist in diagnosing the problem with the action API verification? Any guidance or troubleshooting steps you can provide would be greatly appreciated....

Best way to handle this ts error using useQuery()

Hello, I want to know what advise can you give me to handle this situation when using useQuery. Example code ```ts const customers =...

New AuthSessions and AuthRefreshTokens after each login

Hello there! I have this issue, everytime I login with my google provider I have a new authSessions and authRefreshTokens. here is my auth code: ``` export const { auth, signIn, signOut, store } = convexAuth({ providers: [Google],...

Copy Items in documents as individual or bulk copy

it would be great to be able to copy documents as objects or json from the dashboard, instead of creating functions for it