Convex Community


Convex Community

Join the Convex Discord! Explore Convex, the fullstack TypeScript platform for developers and startup founders.







Import users

I am creating a dashboard where admins can upload a csv with email and temporary password and people will get emails with verification code and they can signin and reset password, what's the best approach? i mean do I have to call the signIn method individually? using convex auth...

unable to query relation with getOneFrom helper

```ts import { query } from './_generated/server'; import { getOneFrom, getAll, getManyFrom, getManyVia } from 'convex-helpers/server/relationships'; export const get = query({...

Unable to Login to Convex

So recently, our team’s Github Account was marked as spam by Github due to which they have banned me from using any third-party app. Now I am unable to login to my convex account, even our convex account is on the pro plan. I require help with this matter. Any contributions would be much appreciated!

Search Index by Two or More Fields

Hello, I'm trying to retrive a query using searchIndex. I need it to query documents by two or more fields. This is what I tried so far, but is only retriving results for legalName. ...

Trying to generate a OpenAPI C client - repeatedly fails to generate "any_type.h"

👋 Trying to explore and see if Convex might be a good choice for a simple side project. I'm basically looking to interact with Convex through a Zig application. That being the case, it seemed like generating a C client is the right call, unfortunately the generator appears to constantly fail to generate the necessary files. When I go to build, the compiler keeps complaining about a missing file called any_type.h ...

Understanding usePaginatedQuery

I'm trying to wrap my head around how to use a page based usePaginatedQuery, so basically if a user hits /posts?page=1 or /posts?page=2, I want to fetch 5 items and change the offset.
the usePaginatedQuery seems to be more like a lazy scroll type of thing. Maybe I'm missing something?...

I'm having this issue building with vercel on @xixixao+uploadstuff, can someone help me?

Failed to compile. ./node_modules/.pnpm/@xixixao+uploadstuff@0.0.5_react-dropzone@14.2.6_react@18.3.1react@18.3.1_typescript@5.6.2/node_modules/@xixixao/uploadstuff/lib/UploadDropzone.tsx:2:43 Type error: Could not find a declaration file for module 'react-dropzone'. '/vercel/path0/node_modules/.pnpm/react-dropzone@14.2.6_react@18.3.1/node_modules/react-dropzone/dist/es/index.js' implicitly has an 'any' type. There are types at '/vercel/path0/node_modules/.pnpm/@xixixao+uploadstuff@0.0.5_react-dropzone@14.2.6_react@18.3.1react@18.3.1_typescript@5.6.2/node_modules/react-dropzone/typings/react-dropzone.d.ts', but this result could not be resolved when respecting package.json "exports". The 'react-dropzone' library may need to update its package.json or typings. 1 | import { useCallback, useState } from "react";...

Is suitable for a Web3(crypto) project?

Hi, everyone. I'm starting a new Web3 project and I'm considering using Convex as the backend. While I was working on a previous AI project using Convex I saw some parameters in the Auth API documentation that looks like were related to crypto wallet. Do you have any sort of libraries that would make it easy to login/singUp using a crypto wallet or support any wallet integration? Also, do you have any sample web3 projects or know of any other web3 projects using convex and with their github rep...

getting random "n" entries from a table with db query

`export const getQuestionsWithSession = mutation({ args: {}, handler: async (ctx, _) => { const random_questions = await ctx.db.query("session_question").take(5); // const id = await ctx.db.insert("session_question", { text: "" });...

Best practice to store "callbacks" in database?

For example, let's say I have a JS interface for game achievement: ```ts type Achievement = { title: string;...

Error: {"code":"IdTokenExpired","message":"Expired: ID token expired at 2024-09-27 18:40:05 UTC

Please, How do I fix this? I can't reopen the app and I can't logout from my web app. Its really frustrating.

struggling with mutation

I'm trying to infer a type from my schema in order to type locationData which I will pass to the mutation but I keep getting the following error:
src/convex/addCompleteProperty.ts|7 col 23-62 error| Type 'TableDefinition<VObject<{ district?: string | undefined; city?: string | undefined; area?: string | undefined; postal_code?: string | undefined; nearest_landmark?: string | undefined; latitude?: number | undefined; longitude?: number | undefined; country: string; province: string; address: string; }, { ...; }, "requ...' does not satisfy the constraint 'Validator<any, OptionalProperty, any>'.
```ts import { mutation } from './_generated/server';...

How do I enable console.log?

console.logs, console.infos don't seem to show up in the log in the dashboard, nor when using npx convex dev --tail-logs, am I missing something 🙂 ?


dashboard not displaying my tables and my project on convex dashboard site and i cant connect using npx convex dev

sveltekit auth guides?

I’m trying to work my way through Convex’s auth options and the docs seem to be React-centric. Does anyone know of guides or demos using sveltekit? Either Convex Auth or Clerk?

Type error: implicitly has type 'any' because it does not have a type annotation

Hello, I have a type error but can't figure it out why its causing it. ```ts export const createInvoice = action({ args: {...
No description

How do I authenticate a query?

I'm trying to use convex-auth in svelte, I'm retreiving the accessToken as follows, this gives me a token and a refreshToken ```TypeScript const tokens = await client.action(api.auth.signIn, { provider: 'password',...

Is there a way to get list of connected devices to the convex app?

For example, I created a nextjs app with convex and multiple users are using it. I'd like to show the users that are online or not. Is there a way to subscribe to this kind of event.

Preview deployment fails with: '✖ Please set CONVEX_DEPLOY_KEY to a new key which you can [...]'

Since last week I'm unable to make preview deployments for my Vercel app. The deployment is able to deploy all convex functions and even prints: Ran "npm run build" with environment variable "NEXT_PUBLIC_CONVEX_URL" set. However after logging ✔ Deployed Convex functions to https:[...] it errors with the following error message: ✖ Please set CONVEX_DEPLOY_KEY to a new key which you can find on your Convex dashboard....