Is there a way to get list of connected devices to the convex app?
Preview deployment fails with: '✖ Please set CONVEX_DEPLOY_KEY to a new key which you can [...]'
Ran "npm run build" with environment variable "NEXT_PUBLIC_CONVEX_URL" set
However after logging ✔ Deployed Convex functions to https:[...]
it errors with the following error message:
✖ Please set CONVEX_DEPLOY_KEY to a new key which you can find on your Convex dashboard.
...Delta updates on query? - understanding bandwidth

Chat app, only one messages table?
youtube api in action
Vector Search ✖ TypeScript typecheck via tsc failed.

Turborepo Vercel Deploy Build Command
npx convex deploy --cmd 'npm run build'
npx convex deploy --cmd 'npm run build'
VectorIndex not on v module
Error: Could not resolve...
Can't deploy convex to production with vercel correctly.
Convex api not working and causing problem in user validations from the convex tables

Type inference issue with newly added routes
file that is properly typed, only the new function has this inference. Any idea what causes this?...
How do i create a schema object with computed fields
Custom query with default argument
Is there a way to share my functions and schemas across my project apart from a monorepo?
How can I run an action from a mutation function since they can't be http actions?
Getting Convex Auth to work with NextJS middleware
- but whenever I try to use it, I get the following error (attached image).
...Convex Log Error "auth:store Invalid Refresh Token"

Is runMutation transactional?
React query disadvantages