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how to use authRateLimits?

I see auth schema has authRateLimits defined and its in docs but not much info available on how to ratelimit the auth e.g. magic emails

Convex Auth user table fields

I've been looking for documentation on this with no avail. Querying the users table strips all the fields other than _createdTime, _id, name, email This is whether I used db.get or db.query. Any way around this?...

ConvexReactClient query() return type?

The docstring (and the type annotation) says the return of query() should be a Promise of the result, but if there's an existing result, it gets returned directly without being wrapped in a promise. Is this a bug?

How do I extend convex auth with my custom auth provider?

So idea is to pass 3 things from frontend
singIn("my-custom-provider", {address, message, signature})
singIn("my-custom-provider", {address, message, signature})

Error: [CONVEX Q(documents:getSidebar)]

Please help me why does this error appear? And how to solve this issue
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Setting non-auth client context

Is it possible to set some kind of arbitrary client context that is accessible from all functions, similar to ctx.auth? Something I can specify once on the client side, without having to pass it constantly to every function. Or even literally using the ctx.auth and related features, but without a 3rd party identity provider, just as a vehicle to communicate some client state.

Using non-primary GitHub email when signing up for Convex

I just installed Convex in a project for the first time last night and signed in using GitHub. My primary GitHub email address is my personal email, but I also have other domain-specific emails attached to my account, which I prefer to use for specific projects. I'd like to use one of those domain-specific emails with Convex, but it doesn't support changing emails. Could this support be built-in, or when registering with GitHub could it be possible to select which GitHub email address you want to use?...
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Service Outage?

Logged on this morning to continue some work from yesterday, and all of my queries are all of the sudden erroring. When I look at the Logs, nothing is getting logged, and I am getting intermittent error toasts saying trying to reconnect to log stream. Anyone else having issues?...

Dynamic table

Is it possible to create dynamic tables in Convex database? I'm building a backend where each user can have their own dedicated 'space' table(for example 'space_userUid'). While the schema would remain consistent across all users, each 'space' table would be unique to the user and would store their notes with columns like title, events, etc. Could you advise on the best approach to implement this?...

Correct pattern for running a query onClick without re-running on re-render.

Hi, newbie in need of advice. Using React(Native), I am taking a document name from a user via a textInput field and onClick I want to check if that document exists. I don't want to run the query everytime the user types something... ``` export default function Home() { const [conversationName, setConversationName] = useState(''); // Updates the component...

Convex 1.14.1 WebSocket InternalServerError

After upgrading Convex 1.13.2 => 1.14.1, I receive a "WebSocket closed with code 1011: InternalServerError" error, after initial user login. If the user is already authenticated, then I don't see this error. This error doesn't exist when using Convex 1.13.2. I'm using custom auth connected to AWS Cognito with <ConvexProviderWithAuth />. Could you please give details of the internal server error that is being raised here?...

sentry errors

Hello these two sentry errors are repetitively reported; 1) ArgumentValidationError: Value does not match validator. Path: .refreshToken Value: null Validator: v.string() 2) Unexpected token 'A', "A server e"... is not valid JSON ...
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I would like to use github actions to deploy to dev, I normally do it from the cli like npx convex dev. I have created a deployment key in the Convex dashboard for both dev and production and added those as secrets in github. In my github workflow I am adding the key into an env variable like this: ```...

Next.js URL not changing using the documented middleware and ConvexAuth setup

When signing in using password auth, the page changes as expected, but the URL remains the same. Using the documented Convex Auth password setup, when I go to /sign-in and actually sign-in, the tasks page loads, but the URL remains as /sign-in until I refresh. Not sure if this is a bug or user error and I've missed something....

Is there anything similar like ConvexAuthNextjsServerProvider for Remix?

Using something like below with remix is resulting in below warning ```ts import { ConvexAuthProvider } from '@convex-dev/auth/react' ... const { ENV } = useLoaderData<typeof loader>();...

How to handle searching in an existing database where the state field has 2 versions of the text

I have an existing database that I need to search for states and it has two versions NY and ny. Should I convert everything to uppercase and then search?...

How Can We Collaborate Across Multiple Repos on the Same Convex Instance?

Our team has recently adopted Convex for our database, primarily due to its speed and real-time capabilities. We're maintaining a custom backend built with Node.js for our business logic, while our front end is being developed using Next.js. We've encountered an issue where the most recent npx convex dev command called from either the frontend or backend overwrites the existing functions in the Convex dashboard, rather than merging them. This is causing conflicts as both teams need to create and manage Convex queries and mutations independently. Is there a way to set up our environment so that both the frontend and backend teams can work on the same Convex instance without overwriting each other's work? Any guidance or best practices would be greatly appreciated....

Using orCreateOrUpdate user in callback

Two problems here: 1. How can I get the tokenIdentity when creating a user, I need to get authSessionsId but I keep getting null. my approach was ${url}/${userId}/${tokenId} 2. I keep getting a 302 error but everything is still working correctly....

The inferred type of X cannot be named without a reference (some module path)

Hello Convex team I've recently started with Turborepo and migrated my existing app to turborepo. earlier I had some issue so I'm going with simpler approach i.e. add convex in the apps/web only just like a simple nextjs app. But while build I'm having a type issue: ...

How to upload images using Convex storage? (Solved)

I'm wondering if anyone has played around using Convex storage for their text editors? I'm using the package, and they are providing an uploadFn like this: ```js...