Dan Mercer
CCConvex Community
•Created by Dan Mercer on 5/8/2023 in #support-community
Convex deployment not working

2 replies
CCConvex Community
•Created by Dan Mercer on 4/23/2023 in #support-community
How to generate random base64 in mutation
I have a "create API key" mutation and I'd like to generate a base64 API key, but it seems the
provided by the Convex function runtime fails if the string contains values outside a certain range.
This newApiKey()
function works in browsers but fails in Convex: https://www.typescriptlang.org/play?#code/GYVwdgxgLglg9mABGApgdwIIAcYGkUCeAFAJQBciAzlAE4xgDmiA3gFCKID0niDKqNAIZQUiAMwAmALQAjAiMQYACgElEAa0LtEEBNURyRlRAF5FNIQQB0wGnAC2RZogA2-BlAAWFSYgC+ADSIpKYAfIgAssKeNi5wcDREUV5WQmAAJg4hAFSIEgCsAGwkJADc2tyI-LrpovSIAKoASgAyUpSCwKIygpQohQAsFTxEfaKeUFBYlGTc-FZoMOowWCjpMIJWCQyci8ucAEK9-QMAxABqgnSCYFCUAPqUIPb2VwT3UIIybiTaNChQEA0JAyKBwQREADKtHoDBsdnsAGFPFdEXBalZBFgsC5iGAQC4XEFDChKCVtBxUigcYIICgiJwADoAak4DCCAHIpBzfhxKf8aXSGYzuOzEBz7jyKYgqYL6ZwTGzOVK-KxWII3DQoERUJgcPhiCUgA
Is there an alternative way to generate a random base64 string?5 replies
CCConvex Community
•Created by Dan Mercer on 4/13/2023 in #support-community
Support for `convex import` from a snapshot export?
When I try to use
convex import
to restore a table snapshot I just downloaded, I get this error:
Adding --append
doesn't help. I'm using Convex 0.12.210 replies
CCConvex Community
•Created by Dan Mercer on 3/31/2023 in #support-community
useConvexAuth().isAuthenticated is true, but auth fails

9 replies