Ning Kuang
Ning Kuang
CCConvex Community
Created by Ning Kuang on 10/2/2024 in #support-community
Best practice to store "callbacks" in database?
For example, let's say I have a JS interface for game achievement:
type Achievement = {
title: string;

// based on user's game data, return whether the criteria of this achievement is met or not
isCriteriaMet: (ctx: UserGameData) => boolean;

// if criteria is met, reward user by running this function to mutate user's data
reward: () => void;
type Achievement = {
title: string;

// based on user's game data, return whether the criteria of this achievement is met or not
isCriteriaMet: (ctx: UserGameData) => boolean;

// if criteria is met, reward user by running this function to mutate user's data
reward: () => void;
What is the best practice to represent this in Convex DB? Or in any DB? My thought is to store reference to a query function (in my code) in isCriteriaMet field; store reference to a mutation function in reward field. Or maybe just references to helper functions with context? If implemented this way, is there a Convex internal API where I can sync the list of query/mutation functions I defined in my code to the Convex DB, so I can safely reference them in another table?
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