CCConvex Community
Created by TheJehy on 8/28/2024 in #support-community
Convex runtime does not support SecureRandom
I am trying to create tokens which I can use for auth. Docs say that crypto, CryptoKey, and SubtleCrypto are available. I think I'm only using those APIs, however... The following error is thrown from the dashboard when running my mutation.
[Request ID: a175daeb49a29da5] Server Error
Convex runtime does not support SecureRandom
[Request ID: a175daeb49a29da5] Server Error
Convex runtime does not support SecureRandom
crypto.subtle.importKey("jwk", keys.sig_private_key_doc, { name: 'ECDSA', namedCurve: 'P-256' }, false, ["sign"])
crypto.subtle.importKey("jwk", keys.sig_private_key_doc, { name: 'ECDSA', namedCurve: 'P-256' }, false, ["sign"])
I'm trying to debug this runtime issue. The full code of the mutation that's throwing the error is this:
const create_session = mutation({
args: {},
handler: async (ctx, args) => {
const keys = (await ctx.db.query("auth").first())!
const sig_private_key = crypto.subtle.importKey("jwk", keys.sig_private_key_doc, { name: 'ECDSA', namedCurve: 'P-256' }, false, ["sign"])

const create_session = mutation({
args: {},
handler: async (ctx, args) => {
const keys = (await ctx.db.query("auth").first())!
const sig_private_key = crypto.subtle.importKey("jwk", keys.sig_private_key_doc, { name: 'ECDSA', namedCurve: 'P-256' }, false, ["sign"])

What needs to change so I can do things like importKey, and verify JWTs without moving to actions?
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