CCConvex Community
Created by nickm91 on 9/26/2023 in #general
Hey team how does npm bundling work in
Yeah the irony right.. Its actually a bit of a work around to the fact I cant see a programmatic API for convex. cc @presley I've got to say I love the model convex uses, simplifed DB modelling, drop in api layer and auto cached queries and instant "subscriptions". I'd love a way (and would be very open to helping contribute to this in some way) to allow folks like myself to manage many convex projects for downstream clients from an API, including an API to build functions leveraging your esbuild setup etc.. Context is that I've got my own project that allows users/teams to define data models, services and frontends in a drag on drop way, and Iove to integrate that concept with convex at its core via an API. So drop me DM or something, got a ton of sw experience and I'd be very down to help
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