djbalinā€¢7mo ago

Hey y'all, does anybody know if there

Hey y'all, does anybody know if there exists some kind of diagram tooling for Convex? I vaguely recall seeing somebody post their pet project in here which generated some sort of ER-like relational diagram of your Convex tables. As our schema keeps growing in size and relations, such a thing would become more and more handy, especially for e.g. allowing users to delete their account and all associated data
5 Replies
djbalinOPā€¢7mo ago I think this was the post I vaguely remember. May try it out, but the example screenshot posted seems a bit verbose and confusing
alixiā€¢7mo ago
hey! iā€™m the author of the package. i agree that it starts to look confusing if you have a large schema with arrays and unions. do you think outputting a mermaid erDiagram would be more clear? would love to hear any feedback you have!
Entity Relationship Diagrams | Mermaid
Create diagrams and visualizations using text and code.
djbalinOPā€¢7mo ago
Hey there! To be honest I didn't really look into it, I just clicked the screenshot you pasted in the original post, but it was too low resolution to be able to really tell what was going on. Also I don't have a lot of experience with or knowledge of different types of diagrams, haha, so I am a nightmare customer who says they don't want what you have provided, but who doesn't know what they then want šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I'll take your library for a spin when I have the time and give you my feedback! My specific use case right now is that I want to enable users to delete their account and all associated/related documents, and I naturally want this functionality to be easily extendable whenever I add more features. To this end, an automatically generated diagram would be super useful. For this specific use-case, I guess only relations between tables/documents is necessary. Maybe your library does exactly that, I'll give it a go when I have the time But for now I guess that my previous comment can serve as feedback for you actually: it wasn't clear enough to me what your library can do for me - I have taken a database course at university so I know a bit about diagrams, but I have never heard of a "mermaid flow diagram" before. Maybe you can paste a nice high-resolution example of your library's output on the package link šŸ™‚
alixiā€¢7mo ago
yep, the library will show relationships. you can paste the outputted mermaid code into to see the diagram.
Online FlowChart & Diagrams Editor - Mermaid Live Editor
Simplify documentation and avoid heavy tools. Open source Visio Alternative. Commonly used for explaining your code! Mermaid is a simple markdown-like script language for generating charts from text via javascript.
alixiā€¢7mo ago
ah i see! i will update the README with a description of mermaid and an example diagram

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