Llabe3w ago

Convex-helpers ERROR

Type error: Type 'Iterable<FromType>' can only be iterated through when using the '--downlevelIteration' flag or with a '--target' of 'es2015' or higher. 14 | let index = 0; 15 | list = await list;
16 | for (const item of list) {
| ^ 17 | promises.push(asyncTransform(item, index)); 18 | index += 1; 19 | } I get that error when doing: npm run build. How can I fix it? Thanks!
20 Replies
Convex Bot
Convex Bot3w ago
Thanks for posting in <#1088161997662724167>. Reminder: If you have a Convex Pro account, use the Convex Dashboard to file support tickets. - Provide context: What are you trying to achieve, what is the end-user interaction, what are you seeing? (full error message, command output, etc.) - Use search.convex.dev to search Docs, Stack, and Discord all at once. - Additionally, you can post your questions in the Convex Community's <#1228095053885476985> channel to receive a response from AI. - Avoid tagging staff unless specifically instructed. Thank you!
ballingt3w ago
Hi @Llabe, hm looks like convex-helpers is compiled to use syntax that you can't use in your environment. Where are you using this library?
LlabeOP3w ago
I am using it in my convex file, like schema and functions. Let me check if I may be using it by mistake somewhere else
ballingt3w ago
No this isn't your mistake probably What kind of app are you building? Is it a mobile app with expo, is it a Vite app, is it Next.js?
LlabeOP3w ago
Nextjs 14
LlabeOP3w ago
This are the places where I use convex-helpers
No description
LlabeOP3w ago
I can send you the github repo if needed
ballingt3w ago
What's your tsconfig.json look like?
LlabeOP3w ago
{ /* This TypeScript project config describes the environment that * Convex functions run in and is used to typecheck them. * You can modify it, but some settings required to use Convex. / "compilerOptions": { / These settings are not required by Convex and can be modified. / "allowJs": true, "strict": true, "moduleResolution": "Bundler", "jsx": "react-jsx", "skipLibCheck": true, "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, "noUnusedLocals": false, "noUnusedParameters": false, / These compiler options are required by Convex / "target": "ESNext", "lib": ["ES2021", "dom"], "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true, "module": "ESNext", "isolatedModules": true, "noEmit": true }, "include": ["./**/"], "exclude": ["./_generated"] }
ballingt3w ago
Not this one, but the one one level above this at the root of your repo
LlabeOP3w ago
{ "compilerOptions": { "lib": ["dom", "dom.iterable", "esnext"], "allowJs": true, "skipLibCheck": true, "strict": true, "noEmit": true, "esModuleInterop": true, "module": "esnext", "moduleResolution": "bundler", "resolveJsonModule": true, "isolatedModules": true, "jsx": "preserve", "incremental": true, "plugins": [ { "name": "next" } ], "paths": { "@/": ["./src/"] } }, "include": ["next-env.d.ts", "/*.ts", "/.tsx", ".next/types/**/.ts"], "exclude": ["node_modules"] }
ballingt3w ago
Huh, that looks fine. This is a typechecking error, what's the comand that you run that makes you see this error?
LlabeOP3w ago
npm run build
ballingt3w ago
and what does that do, does that run a typecheck? is it next build?
LlabeOP3w ago
yes "build": "next build",
ballingt3w ago
It seems there's another tsconfig.json being used sure want to share the project?
LlabeOP3w ago
What do you mean another tsconfig? I can send you the project, I fine @Tom I belive I may have fixed it, according to AI I have to add: "downlevelIteration": true to the tsconfig And I was adding it to the convex one, not the global one I am going to try to deploy, and let you know
ballingt3w ago
oh interesting! cool, good to know that that seems to matter
LlabeOP3w ago
@Tom It works on production, deployed on vercel. Thank u so much for the help!
ballingt3w ago

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