Not finding Function? But i can see it in the dashboard...
Air-Alert-Starter $ npx convex run getMaskRecommendation '{"latitude": 37.7749, "longitude": -122.4194}'
✖ Failed to run function "getMaskRecommendation":
Error: [Request ID: 2bf512aecab915c6] Server Error
Could not find function for 'getMaskRecommendation'. Did you forget to run
npx convex dev
or npx convex deploy
I can see the function in my dashboard in both production and development....
Triggering the same error when i try to run my expo app.
Thanks this is driving me nuts

5 Replies
hi! sorry for the frustration. the name of the function is definititely getMaskRecommendation, but the function path is that fixed-width font identifier below:
that's what you need to pass on the command line, the full path to the function
this part
Ahhh thank you!
First time user and enjoying convex a lot so far!
awesome, glad to hear it! it's kind of a new way of working, but once you get the hang of it, developers usually love it and you can build super quickly. thanks for giving it a shot!