Baris3w ago

It's fixed, thank you. However, I still

It's fixed, thank you. However, I still see the message 'Please fix the errors above to continue.' in all tables and documents. I don't have any issues with my documents or schema, so this is likely a separate bug.
3 Replies
ari3w ago
Yes, this seems like a different issue. For that, can you create a thread in #support-community and provide some more details like what your schema looks like for this table?
BarisOP3w ago
Okay, I found the issue. Fields that I defined with v.optional() are coming through as undefined. Since undefined is not a valid Convex value, I get that error.
ari3w ago
Ah got it. Yeah that's odd, the UI should not surface that as a validation error. We'll take a look at fixing that

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