Starlord2mo ago

starlord_gf's Thread

Hello, I have strange problem that when new item is added to the list while user is subscribed to this list via paginated query i get this error
Uncaught ConvexError: InvalidCursor: Tried to run a query starting from a cursor, but it looks like this cursor is from a different query.
Uncaught ConvexError: InvalidCursor: Tried to run a query starting from a cursor, but it looks like this cursor is from a different query.
but strange thing its happening only in convex production environement but on not in dev environment. Any idea what could be the reason?
51 Replies
convex-threads2mo ago
Reminder: If you have a Convex Pro account, use the Convex Dashboard to file support tickets. If this is a support-related question, please create a post in #support-community. If not, carry on! Thanks!
lee2mo ago
Yeah so the difference in dev vs prod is a bug that we'll fix in the next release. But you should figure out why it's happening. Can you share the code for the paginated query? In particular what is the .withIndex used before the .paginate()
StarlordOP2mo ago
const productIdsWithStock = new Set( => variation.productId)

// Use appropriate index based on sort field
let query = ctx.db
.withIndex(sort.field, q =>
q.eq("mainCategoryId", mainCategoryId)
.filter(q =>
...Array.from(productIdsWithStock).map(id =>
q.eq(q.field("_id"), id)

const results = await query.paginate(paginationOpts);
const productIdsWithStock = new Set( => variation.productId)

// Use appropriate index based on sort field
let query = ctx.db
.withIndex(sort.field, q =>
q.eq("mainCategoryId", mainCategoryId)
.filter(q =>
...Array.from(productIdsWithStock).map(id =>
q.eq(q.field("_id"), id)

const results = await query.paginate(paginationOpts);
the bug happens only when filter is used and only in production environment productsWithStock is changing because of new added item
lee2mo ago
Yep that would do it .paginate() only works consistently when the query isn't changing. If the filter is changing, the whole set of pages needs to reset
StarlordOP2mo ago
and why is it working in dev environment?
lee2mo ago
In dev environment it resets the pages, starting the pagination over. In prod environment it throws an error (this is the bad behavior that i'm fixing to make it reset the pages)
StarlordOP2mo ago
ok do you know when the fix is live or do i need to change something in code?
lee2mo ago
Something i don't understand about your query: if you have the full set of ids you want, why do you need pagination?
StarlordOP2mo ago
because i dont want to send all the products to the client set of ids is there to filter valid items i have another table to track amount of available items this amount is used to return only products with higher amount than 0
lee2mo ago
What if you fetch all the items in the query, and then filter them out before returning them
StarlordOP2mo ago
but i need to return based on cursor. the user is scrolling down a list so need to send only new items that need to be fetched for the list there are 1k+ products
lee2mo ago
Gotcha Are you okay with the client's set of pages resetting whenever there's a new product?
StarlordOP2mo ago
let variationsQuery = ctx.db
.withIndex("by_amount", q =>"amount", 0));

const productsWithStock = await variationsQuery.collect();

const productIdsWithStock = new Set( => variation.productId)

// Use appropriate index based on sort field
let query = ctx.db
.withIndex(sort.field, q =>
q.eq("mainCategoryId", mainCategoryId)
.filter(q =>
...Array.from(productIdsWithStock).map(id =>
q.eq(q.field("_id"), id)

const results = await query.paginate(paginationOpts);
let variationsQuery = ctx.db
.withIndex("by_amount", q =>"amount", 0));

const productsWithStock = await variationsQuery.collect();

const productIdsWithStock = new Set( => variation.productId)

// Use appropriate index based on sort field
let query = ctx.db
.withIndex(sort.field, q =>
q.eq("mainCategoryId", mainCategoryId)
.filter(q =>
...Array.from(productIdsWithStock).map(id =>
q.eq(q.field("_id"), id)

const results = await query.paginate(paginationOpts);
also as far i can see its not possible to join queries in convex. so i have to fetch valid products first from one table to combine it with product data query to another table well yes but idk how the experience for the user would be. lets say he is scrolling a page down than new item is added. it would be better not to rerender all the items but to add this new item somehow just to the list its rare case because new products are added not that often but right now its breaking experience because of the error same error happens when item is deleted right now on dev environment it rerenders all the items when new product is added also regarding this i dont know what will the performance be and how much data would be consumed if there are thousands of productVariations. basically every paginate request need to refetch this table and i dont know better solution
lee2mo ago
You could try upgrading to convex version 1.17.5-alpha.1 to see if it makes prod behave like dev
StarlordOP2mo ago
can you send me npm for this please?
lee2mo ago
npm install convex@1.17.5-alpha.1
StarlordOP2mo ago
lee2mo ago
Ok i have a new suggestion: can you do pagination on the productVariations query and do a join against the products table
StarlordOP2mo ago
let me check the things is each product has multiple variations. it can be one 1 - 10 variations or so. so pagination request is related to products table not to variations table
lee2mo ago
Oh so you need to dedupe?
StarlordOP2mo ago
i dont understand what you mean. each product has multiple variations with different amount. i need to fetch only products that have variations with amount > 0
lee2mo ago
And sort i suppose
StarlordOP2mo ago
the filter itself is quite complex i have sent only part of it. the user can filter products in a lot of ways but filter change is not a problem because it will restart query the problem is when items change like added or removed when admin adds products. varations change and products change
lee2mo ago
How many productVariations can there be in total? In your current query you're fetching all of them, which makes the query large
StarlordOP2mo ago
a lot there are 1k+ products and each of them can have multipe variations i can track amount inside product additionally and modify amount of products in both product and variation
lee2mo ago
Are you aware that queries have a limit of 16k documents read
StarlordOP2mo ago
but i still need variations because variations have filter like color so thats why i need to filter products by variations variation = combination of amount, color, sizes etc its ecomerce app yes thats why i need to find better solution for pagination of products same error with this one
lee2mo ago
StarlordOP2mo ago
Uncaught ConvexError: InvalidCursor: Tried to run a query starting from a cursor, but it looks like this cursor is from a different query.
Uncaught ConvexError: InvalidCursor: Tried to run a query starting from a cursor, but it looks like this cursor is from a different query.
lee2mo ago
I suppose my code change isn't in the alpha yet I still think this query needs some reworking
StarlordOP2mo ago
yes it does
lee2mo ago
So what goes wrong when you do pagination on the productVariations? I think we need to do that, and work through the issues one at a time 1. The join on "products" table -- use a .map on the page 2. More filters -- use a .filter on the page 3. Sort order -- denormalize fields onto productVariations table and put the indexes there
StarlordOP2mo ago
hm lets say i paginate with request load more 10. how should it paginate variations if i need 10 products
lee2mo ago
Call loadMore() until you have enough results
StarlordOP2mo ago
but it will load variations that are not part of next products on the list i think i need to paginate products and load their variations for check after this and do manual pagination to load more products if some are missing to complete request
lee2mo ago
That also works, good idea
StarlordOP2mo ago
lets say loadmore = 10. i load 10 products check their variation = result is 9 products. i try to load 1 more product etc
lee2mo ago
I would let the client call loadMore() until you have enough results. Doing it on the server is harder
StarlordOP2mo ago
ok thanks. but this will not solve this exception or?
lee2mo ago
If your paginated query doesn't change, the exception won't happen
StarlordOP2mo ago
let me check if it works
lee2mo ago
Also in case you haven't seen it, this may be useful
Using TypeScript to Write Complex Query Filters
There’s a new Convex helper to perform generic TypeScript filters, with the same performance as built-in Convex filters, and unlimited potential.
StarlordOP2mo ago
this is typescript filter that means it loads all the data from database first no? so normal database filter limits documents amount typescript will not work if there are more than 16k documents btw i dont see docs info about 16k limit
lee2mo ago
Regular .filter will also not work if there are more than 16k documents
StarlordOP2mo ago
and index? this is bad why is there no solution for large amount of data that needs to be filtered
lee2mo ago
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lee2mo ago
Index does exclude documents from the scanned data, only filter doesn't
StarlordOP2mo ago
ok so i can reduce with index first
lee2mo ago
Yes. You can also do the pagination and filter afterwards, which can result in small/empty pages but then on the client you can call loadMore until you have enough
StarlordOP2mo ago
this can result to a lot of loadmore requests if paginate doesnt find right items would be great if convex would support big data filtering out of the box on c# like backend i would cache results based on filters so i dont need to load them again from database Anyway. Thank you for the providing information. I will try to improve it on my end. But hope convex will get some improvements too for such logic ok new methods of paginating products and than fetch their variations works without exception. thanks

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