ampp5d ago

Acceptable circular reference counts?

Currently within convex i have 20 circular references with 14 that appear with a _generated/api.d.ts (34 total).. Do the references related to api.d.ts have the potential to cause problems? I still have some refactor ptsd after having to redesign a lot to get it down from over 60 in october. Its not easy to tell where the tipping point is until stuff breaks and it can get very weird. Its also been keeping me from redesigning the final execution part of our event system for easier use. The biggest issue right now is composing events, as a event can spawn sub-events within the same mutation (within any ts function atm) and one simple hack is to use the new sub-mutations via ctx.runMutation which will break the chain. I'm just really unclear about the performance downsides, or other issues. Especially since i haven't hardly seen them mentioned, it feels like a cheap hack..
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