schedules page needs some work.
schedules page needs some work.
1. there is some visual glitch like its refreshing all the time or something
2. its not visible when the function is going to execute
24 Replies
Thanks for the report, could you share a video or screenshot of what you're seeing?

see those scrollbars?
they appear when task is there and blinking
Got it thanks, I'll make sure this doesn't happen anymore and let you know when it's fixed
In the meantime, does making your browser window wider work around the glitch?

also there are two of these and blinking too. sometimes not able to press
my browser window is already full screen 4k
got it
and one last question to help debug - which browser are you using?
i am using opera here. but its also chromium
gotcha, yeah even though it's chromium browsers unfortunately still implement scroll behaviors differently, sometimes
so helpful to know which one you are using!

this thing is refreshing all the time
looks like custom scrollbar
Yeah, could be that element -- in the meantime, I could turn on a somewhat unrelated feature for you that could make it better. It lets you pause the list of scheduled jobs from updating automatically
its fine its stil usable
scroll issue should be fixed now, thanks again
thanks. would be also great to see when function will trigger not only scheduled time
The scheduled time is indeed the time the function is scheduled to trigger, we'll need to clarify the language there. We have additional plans (no timeline yet) to surface the time the job was created, and choose how you want them sorted
ok thanks
another problem i saw with the scrollbars is that when you scroll trough table it starts to select text

it should prevent default
another great feature would be to hover those link icons and see content of the link without going into edit mode

the same way its done here

Sweet, thanks for the suggestions!