__tableName on IDs
supposed to be undefined on client-side?
I have a field that can be one of two possible kinds of Ids, want to check which one it is in runtime
1 Reply
IDs are strings at runtime (both on the client and the server), so the
property is always undefined at runtime.
It exists in the type so that TypeScript can be more helpful.
If you want to differentiate between two different ID types at runtime, you have two options -- ctx.db.normalizeId("yourTable", id)
, available in queries + mutations which will return the ID only if it's a valid ID for that table, or storing the table name yourself (e.g. author: { table: "users", id: Id<"users"> } | { table: "aiAgents", id: Id<"aiAgents"> }
(relevant docs which touch on a little of this: https://docs.convex.dev/database/document-ids)