1.17.1 all functions exported from _generated/server now have "any" type for ctx and args
After upgrading to 1.17.1, it seems that all the function types exported from _generated/server types are missing. Did the api change?
3 Replies
The types were working just fine before upgrading
I've tried clearing _generated and node_modules
Should be no changes! What does _generated/api.d.ts look like?
Do you have a schema, any errors in _generated/schema.ts?
Thanks @eternal8lue, just identified the issue with 1.17.1 and 1.17.2 will fix. Turns out a change in the way we format the files in convex/_generated/ caused api.d.ts in there to lose all its angle brackets
@eternal8lue 1.17.2 has been released! should fix
Ahh good to know. Thanks for getting a fix out so quick!
btw loving convex, so sick