ibrahimyaacob3mo ago

[ents] filter by index with a field and order by "updatedAt" instead of "_creation_time"

Im using ents to fetch the list of item by its indexed field, and i can only perform order based on created time. i need the updated time!
13 Replies
Convex Bot
Convex Bot3mo ago
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ibrahimyaacobOP3mo ago
here's a snippet
No description
ibrahimyaacobOP3mo ago
when i add a field, updatedAt, like this, function deployed
ibrahimyaacobOP3mo ago
No description
ibrahimyaacobOP3mo ago
i get this error runtime error
ibrahimyaacobOP3mo ago
No description
ibrahimyaacobOP3mo ago
*ignore the function path, the error is when i add the updatedAt field on the order
ampp3mo ago
You make a new index with organizationId, and updatedAt so then its .table('mainList', 'organizationId_updatedAt', (q) => q.eq(... Order only accepts asc or desc so its based on the last item in the index. And having a additional .eq/.gt for updatedAt is optional
ibrahimyaacobOP3mo ago
hi @ampp can you further explain? I think youre solution might work but I have no idea how it would look like and how do i get the sorted mainList based on updatedAt.
ampp3mo ago
mainlist: defineEnt({})
.field('organizationId', v.string())
.field('updatedAt', v.number())
.index('organizationId_updatedAt', ['organizationId', 'updatedAt']),

const query = await ctx.table('mainList', 'organizationId_updatedAt', (q) => q.eq('organizationId', organizationId)).order('desc')
mainlist: defineEnt({})
.field('organizationId', v.string())
.field('updatedAt', v.number())
.index('organizationId_updatedAt', ['organizationId', 'updatedAt']),

const query = await ctx.table('mainList', 'organizationId_updatedAt', (q) => q.eq('organizationId', organizationId)).order('desc')
ibrahimyaacobOP3mo ago
hey @ampp this works!, thanks so much, yet i have no idea how indexing works like this. Would you mind sharing some document/article explaining this.
ampp3mo ago
Databases are Spreadsheets
I want to share my mental model of databases: - Databases are just big spreadsheets - An index is just a view of the spreadsheet sorted by one or mor...
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Michal Srb
Michal Srb3mo ago
Btw I fixed the types in 0.13.0, so the code that threw runtime exception no longer type checks.

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