I'm having an issue with the CLI, it's
I'm having an issue with the CLI, it's suddenly not computing types properly
anyone has seem something like that?
I had
working fine. I cloned it as taskEvents.tsx
(exact same file content) and it wont load types
I them touched taskActions
to do a couple tests and now it won't load types as well. Other files are working as expected
10 Replies
Do you have any other type errors anywhere besides this one?
it's actually working fine
just the types are broken
this is the diff

So if you hover api, the other top level properties are fully typed and only taskEvents is generic, is that right
hmm, I found out
I've seen something sort of like this when importing from one convex file to another, especially when it involves the the http file. Didn't take the time to chase down the root issue though
auto-import used
instead of ./

they're supposed to resolve to the exact same path
but for some reason TS didn't like the
oneok now

well, I'll try to understand why
thanks for reaching