FREE: NextJS Boilerplate + Convex + Stripe + Resend
Hi everyonee, Chris here 👋
I want to share the boilerplate that I have created and to let everyone here to use it for FREE and if you also found yourself spending a lot of time setting up like:
- Designing Landing Page
- Authentication
- Stripe
- Email
and other tedious tasks…
All of this is setup for you, so you can start coding your core application right away!
All I ask is your feedback and support!
⬆️ Product Hunt:
⭐️ Github: once you’ve received the link via email
💼 LinkedIn:
❎ X:
4 Replies
Congrats on the build and thanks for sharing. looks slick!
Skip the boring parts and finish your app in days with our Next.js App Router boilerplate.
I made the boilerplate for FREE. All I ask is some feedback and support 🙏🏻
Hey Calonz, thanks for this big contribution! Looks like a great resource. I wanted to let you know you may have an email validation issue with the home page input. Tried my default .io domain, failed. Tried .dev, failed too. Then .com failed as well. For context, my emails on each TLD are
I believe I saw a clone command on the page too, thanks for that!
I was able to submit using a local name > 1 character. In my case, my mom says I’m legit. So may consider adjusting validation rules. Thanks again!