Agustín4mo ago

npx convex dev Doesn´t do anything after setup

Hello there! Just aquickone. When I run the npx convex dev in the terminal it does it's thing for just 1 second and turns red. I don´t even know if it did anything at all.. but My app is not running and I get the other error in when I run the app locally. "Unhandled runtime error" Can you point me in the right direction? Thank you!
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14 Replies
Convex Bot
Convex Bot4mo ago
Thanks for posting in <#1088161997662724167>. Reminder: If you have a Convex Pro account, use the Convex Dashboard to file support tickets. - Provide context: What are you trying to achieve, what is the end-user interaction, what are you seeing? (full error message, command output, etc.) - Use to search Docs, Stack, and Discord all at once. - Additionally, you can post your questions in the Convex Community's <#1228095053885476985> channel to receive a response from AI. - Avoid tagging staff unless specifically instructed. Thank you!
ballingt4mo ago
@Agustín could you try npx convex dev --verbose? HOpefulyly this will print a better error.
AgustínOP4mo ago
nothing at all
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AgustínOP4mo ago
It's connected because I see the "Could not find public function for 'plan:getPublicPlans'. Did you forget to run npx convex dev or npx convex deploy?" in the logs within the convex website
ballingt4mo ago
It looks like the dev command is failing, it should keep running.
AgustínOP4mo ago
anything I can do to debug this?
ballingt4mo ago
What's the name of your backend? I'm was just reading about how to run this in non-interactive mode to make these spinners stop @Agustín try
npx convex dev > output.log 2>&1
npx convex dev > output.log 2>&1
and take a look at output.log oh what shell is this, powershell?
AgustínOP4mo ago
Forget it... I run "npm install convex@latest" and now is doing things
ballingt4mo ago
ah cool, do you know what version you had before? glad it's fixed, if you're not sure then let's just assume it was something fixed sometime in the last year 😛
AgustínOP4mo ago
LOL It did a few things, but I still have the second error "Unhandled runtime error". Any tips?
ballingt4mo ago
That error says there's no "plan:getPublicPlans" function, try npx convex dashboard and see if you see that funciton check if you see the function in your code
AgustínOP4mo ago
I dont see any functions in my the functions are in "convex" folder. For example, convex/plan.ts (this one contains the getPublicPlans that is failing Inside the "convex_generated\
ballingt4mo ago
And npx convex dev is still running? @Agustín what's the deployment in .env.local, and what's the deployment you're looking at in the dashboard? Also does npx convex dev succeed, does it say
✔ 16:44:20 Convex functions ready! (2.64s)
✔ 16:44:20 Convex functions ready! (2.64s)
AgustínOP4mo ago
I feel so dumb... I was looking a different project. I see now the functions loaded in the dashboard (green checkmark in the terminal also), still can't run the app but I get a different error now We can close this thread, you have been awesome Tom. Thank you

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