noob saibot
noob saibot5mo ago

filtering pagination

When using getPages (from convex-helpers/server/pagination), how can I apply a filter (or search)? I would to pagination through the table payments but only on a subset of this table. But I can't see a way to apply a filter. It looks like the pagination applies to the whole table by default
7 Replies
lee5mo ago
you can get a page with getPage and then filter it with TypeScript's Array.filter method
noob saibot
noob saibotOP5mo ago
Thanks @lee . So that basically means I should first query the "whole" table and then apply Array.filter? I'm expecting this table to have hundreds of thousands of records.
lee5mo ago
can you define an index and bound the query with an index range? out of curiosity, why are you using getPage as opposed to .paginate?
noob saibot
noob saibotOP5mo ago
This is my use case: I'm building a page with a table where the user should be able to "jump" to an arbitrary page number, and not only sequentially walk through the data, page after page. I'm not sure how I can implement this with convex. In other words: how can I implement a take n, skip k type of query. So I'm going through the documentation and I'm not sure how getPage or .paginate can help me to achieve that. I see there is a discussion here of the type of pagination I would like to accomplish
lee5mo ago
neither getPage nor .paginate can do that very well. there's no concept of "skip" if you imagine all of your documents in an array sorted by some field, can you come up with an algorithm that has sublinear runtime?
noob saibot
noob saibotOP5mo ago
I was thinking of maintaining some sorte of "order_index" column on the table I can use to "skip". Where I'm stuck is what to do if a record is deleted. (I can run an algorithm to recalculate the new "order_index" values. But I'm afraid the algorithm will get slower as the table is growing...)
lee5mo ago
that works but you're right that deletes are a problem. there's a component that solves this case if you're interested in requesting early access
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