Antoine5mo ago

hey guys ! I wanted to switch from

hey guys ! I wanted to switch from mongoDB to convex on my app and my app is currently using tanstack query. I seen on the doc that we can use tanstack query with convex, but is it usefull ?
16 Replies
erquhart5mo ago
It doesn't add any functionality, just allows you to use the tanstack query style api with Convex if you prefer it.
AntoineOP5mo ago
Ok thanks that is what I was understanding. I also have another question, this time an issue. I switched my hooks to use directly convex, and I use mutations to add/update data, like this for example: const createClient = useMutation(api.mutations.createClient) but when I call this function nothing happens (no data on the console, no data on the client side). Is this because my hook work on client side ? if not, do you have some informations that could help me find the error ? Thanks for helping me, I've been stuck in this for a whole 2 days
erquhart5mo ago
The hook would have to be run from a client component There's also fetchMutation for server side:
AntoineOP5mo ago
I am ok using on the client side, I just don't understand why the function is not even called I have this function on convex/mutation.ts: export const createClient = mutation({ args: { name: v.string() }, handler: async (ctx, args) => { console.log('Creating client with args:', args) try { const clientId = await ctx.db.insert('clients', { name:, }) console.log('Client created with ID:', clientId) return clientId } catch (error) { console.error('Error in createClient mutation:', error) throw new Error(Failed to create client: ${error}) } }, }) is this the right configuration ?
erquhart5mo ago
Yep that would work, and you'd get likely get type errors if not Can you share the code you're running to call the function?
sshader5mo ago
(To be super clear, useMutation from convex/react returns a function that you can call from the client to trigger your mutation, e.g. in a event handler, it does not actually call the mutation itself)
AntoineOP5mo ago
this ismy hook for using the client object, and I call it on a modal to add it, like that: const { createClient } = useClients() createClient({name: formData.Chateau as string })
AntoineOP5mo ago
so what do you think about this implementation ?
erquhart5mo ago
You have some logs in createClient, what’s printing in the browser console when you call it?
AntoineOP5mo ago
the console log before the try catch is working: Creating client with variables: Object name: "eeeee" and same for the alert oppening on the loading state but after that I have nothing going on i also tried a console.log inside the try catch before the convex mutation call and it works too and no sucess or error log/alert and there is no log coming from the mutation function inside convex the thing I don't understand is that my config is working perfectly for read functions but not mutations also, my convex folder is on my repo but outside the /src directory, could it be the root of the issue ? Ok I tried some things and I can tell you more about the issue. The read functions are not working too when using the hook, but work when I use it directly on my components. And now I also tried using mutations on my component directly and it doesn't work either. So: - read only: works on components directly but not when using the hook I created - mutations: does not work either way
erquhart5mo ago
Yeah I would start with testing directly without an intermediate hook while you're troubleshooting so when you call the mutation directly in a component, is the logging the same as you described above Do you have npx convex dev running?
AntoineOP5mo ago
yes, but no log inside for the mutation, now that I added it directly on the component I have that: console.log('formData', formData) createClient({ name: formData.Chateau as string }) and it is sending me a good log: formData {Chateau: 'eee'} but after that there is nothing
erquhart5mo ago
I don't see where formData is logged, is that from the mutation itself
AntoineOP5mo ago
no it is from the console.log just before the createClient function, as I showed
AntoineOP5mo ago
if you want I even made it simpler by directly creating a false client when clicking on the "AddItemButton" inside my sidebar. and it is still not working
AntoineOP5mo ago
hey guys, could it be because I don't use the Nextjs app router for exposing an API ?

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