I'm having this issue building with vercel on @xixixao+uploadstuff, can someone help me?
Failed to compile.
Type error: Could not find a declaration file for module 'react-dropzone'. '/vercel/path0/node_modules/.pnpm/react-dropzone@14.2.6_react@18.3.1/node_modules/react-dropzone/dist/es/index.js' implicitly has an 'any' type.
There are types at '/vercel/path0/node_modules/.pnpm/@xixixao+uploadstuff@0.0.5_react-dropzone@14.2.6_react@18.3.1react@18.3.1_typescript@5.6.2/node_modules/react-dropzone/typings/react-dropzone.d.ts', but this result could not be resolved when respecting package.json "exports". The 'react-dropzone' library may need to update its package.json or typings.
1 | import { useCallback, useState } from "react";
2 | import type { Accept, FileWithPath } from "react-dropzone";| ^ 3 | import { useDropzone } from "react-dropzone"; 4 | import { twMerge } from "tailwind-merge"; 5 | import { UploadFileResponse } from "."; ELIFECYCLE Command failed with exit code 1. ✖ 'pnpm build' failed Error: Command "pnpm dlx convex deploy --cmd 'pnpm build'" exited with 1
3 Replies
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Thank you!
I have this working but if i recall that library and one or two others are quite sensitive to the tsconfig module/moduleResolution settings from what i recall. But i was having issues before pushing to vercel.
i was getting typescript warning with the imports
Thanks for your reply, I will open an issue at react-dropzone repo. It looks like they are missing some types.