Hello! Sorry for the newbie question. Just researching to see if convex does everything I need. Could I please ask: what is the equivalent of queues in Convex? In a traditional application, if I want to ensure something happens, I put the message on a retry queue. If I wanted queue within my application, would I have to use a third party solution like AWS SQS? Read docs and couldn’t find anything on this.
2 Replies
If it's a mutation, you can schedule it with
ctx.scheduler.runAfter(0, path.to.mutation)
, since scheduled mutations are guaranteed exactly once execution. if it's an action, you can use the action retrier https://stack.convex.dev/retry-actions which internally queues the action to guarantee at-least-once executionAutomatically Retry Actions
Learn how to automatically retry actions in Convex while also learning a little about scheduling, system tables, and function references.
Thank you very much Lee! Very helpful