robertpkoenig5mo ago


Hello! Sorry for the newbie question. Just researching to see if convex does everything I need. Could I please ask: what is the equivalent of queues in Convex? In a traditional application, if I want to ensure something happens, I put the message on a retry queue. If I wanted queue within my application, would I have to use a third party solution like AWS SQS? Read docs and couldn’t find anything on this.
2 Replies
lee5mo ago
If it's a mutation, you can schedule it with ctx.scheduler.runAfter(0,, since scheduled mutations are guaranteed exactly once execution. if it's an action, you can use the action retrier which internally queues the action to guarantee at-least-once execution
Automatically Retry Actions
Learn how to automatically retry actions in Convex while also learning a little about scheduling, system tables, and function references.
robertpkoenigOP5mo ago
Thank you very much Lee! Very helpful

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