ibrahimyaacob5mo ago

i need to cancel duplicated scheduled task

is there such feature. I have a webhook that fires multiple times in a short period and i need to cancel if its duplicated
4 Replies
Convex Bot
Convex Bot5mo ago
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ballingt5mo ago
You can always manually cancel all scheduled runs of a task in the dashboard, but to debounce these you'll need to record the scheduled job id somewhere in the database to record that it's already been run, and decide whether to schedule a new task based on if there's already one running (or one already ran) for a given webhook input.
ibrahimyaacobOP5mo ago
thanks @ballingt i was thinking about that approach
ballingt5mo ago
that way you can maybe avoid scheduling the duplicate in the first place, since the second time the webhooks lands you can avoid running it

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