AWS Amplify Deployment
Has anyone tried to deploy their app on aws amplify? I am facing this issue for a while now where the app builds fine but gives a 404 when I visit the link. The logs say “clerk secret key missing”. I have put a message in the clerk channel but haven’t really received an answer for it. Sorry to put this here again but I have just been at it for a while now and wanted to know if someone else faced the same issue
21 Replies
My environment variables does have clerk secret key and I also checked for spelling mistakes
Vercel has "environment variables" for CLERK_SECRET_KEY. What is the analogous screen for environment variables in Amplify? Can you send a screenshot?
yes sir on it!

They have a 3rd column value on the side but they don't
or blur it out so I didn't include it hereIs there a concept in AWS Amplify to "override the build command"?
I think this issue is similar to the issue of the host not finding the CONVEX_DEPLOY_KEY
Can you send a screenshot of whatever approach you are taking to "override the build command"?
slightly confused as to what do you mean by override but I think this might help maybe?
thats my
okay I discovered a mistake
freak i hope its not that
thanks Matt for looking into it but I was stupid to not change the path of my env file as its a monorepoNice.
Btw, I was talking about step 3 here:
3. Override the Build command
Override the "Build command" to be npx convex deploy --cmd 'npm run build'.
If your project lives in a subdirectory of your repository you'll also need to change Root Directory above accordingly.
Using Convex with Vercel | Convex Developer Hub
Host your frontend on Vercel and your backend on Convex.
Do you do this anywhere in your AWS Amplify setup?
I didn’t have to do that at all for my setup and it just worked
Is aws amplify similar to Vercel in that it integrates with a GitHub repo and makes a preview deployment for each branch?
yep. exactly that
Hi @Nishil Faldu , I deployed my Convex/Next.js/Clerk app into AWS Amplify, and ran into a 500 internal server error as soon as I went to a URL route that uses Clerk.
I wasn't able to find any Convex logs for the event. Maybe I can hunt down this log event by setting up AWS Cloudwatch, but it seems like significant effort.
Did you run into a similar 500 error?
I do remember facing 500 at some point in time but for me the issue was amplify not being able to find my .env file and hence the clerk variables. You already know cloudwatch and as far as I know you shouldn't have to set it up, there should be one setup for you - (click
Also there's some weird things with Amplify that I came across during my deployment so I would be more than happy to help if you get some more information through logsThanks, and did you do anything with the build settings?
I tried overwriting the default build command:
- npm run build
with this:
npx convex deploy --cmd 'npm run build'
That did not change behavior
Ah, your tip to click
helped. I hadn't noticed that choice.
So, perhaps I am hitting the same error you did. I see this in my log events:
START RequestId: 78b1f3f2-c0c1-4daf-95bd-b3788a111e40 Version: $LATEST
Error: Missing Clerk Secret Key or API Key. Go to and get your key for your instance.
at rC (/tmp/app/.next/server/src/middleware.js:13:65320)Did you somehow upload an .env file? I am using AWS Amplify Generation 2 and it seems the environment variables is a GUI:

Perhaps my issue is that AWS Amplify requires that CLERK_SECRET_KEY be a "secret" and not an environment variable. But simply adding it as en environment variable did not work.
Can you share how you set up the build settings (potentially to incorporate the secret)?
Maybe I need to do something complicated like this:
Amazon Web Services, Inc.
How to correctly include and reference secret environment variables...
I have set up an AWS amplify app and imported my github project (a web app using Vue and Supabase as a database).
To protect my supabase address and key I stored both values in secret environment ...
Yeah I also copy pasted all the environment variables one by one - unfortunate
here's my build file -
couple of things here: my repo is a monorepo so you won't need appRoot
I think and from what I have read that .env
vars must be copied in a file during build stage (which is weird but idk what AWS is upto there). Moreover, refer to this as well: - for Nextjs 12 or later the platform value must be WEB_COMPUTE
and apparently amplify keeps identifying WEB
and you might have to make a post request through aws cli
to change that
For me amplify automatically put CLERK_SECRET_KEY
on the secrets page when I added it as one of the env
vars. So I guess you should put it in secrets too to check if that worksTo resolve this issue, I had to use the build commands in amplify.yml to grep in each environment variable. I also had to add in the CLERK_SECRET_KEY into the AWS Amplify GUI for environment variables, not just in the GUI for the secrets. This is not intuitive to do because I recall that the docs said to not add secrets as an environment variable.
Important Don't use environment variables to store secrets. For a Gen 2 app, use the Secret management feature in the Amplify console.
Using environment variables in an Amplify application - AWS Amplify...
Learn how to use and manage environment variables and secrets for an Amplify application.
glad you figured it out!