arg validation error
There seems to be a mismatch between my argument and the validation structure I have setup. I am not sure what the difference is though there is the error:
Value: "{"title":"Test Form!","questions":[{"question_text":"Name:","question_type":"text"},{"question_text":"Date:","question_type":"date"},{"question_text":"Favorite Animal","question_type":"multiple_choice","answer_choices":["Dog","Bird","Cat"]}]}"
Validator: v.object({questions: v.array(v.object({answer_choices: v.optional(v.array(v.string())), question_text: v.string(), question_type: v.string()})), title: v.string()})
Here is my code:
args: {
jsonSchema: v.object({
name: v.string(),
arguments: v.object({
title: v.string(),
questions: v.array(
question_text: v.string(),
question_type: v.string(),
answer_choices: v.optional(v.array(v.string())),
id: v.string(),
Here is the argument passed in:
name: 'get_form_fields',
arguments: '{"title":"Test Form!","questions":[{"question_text":"Name:","question_type":"text"},{"question_text":"Date:","question_type":"date"},{"question_text":"Favorite Animal","question_type":"multiple_choice","answer_choices":["Dog","Bird","Cat"]}]}',
id: 'jd75rcvn2prw660as04ak1qzf970rrpd'
3 Replies
What your client side code look like that is passing this argument? Are you using something like JSON.stringify? It seems like the argument you are passing in is a string. It should not be a string
args: v.any()
in the same method
go to the LOG in the dashboard, and check what you are getting!
You can make a test function, grab the values you’re passing in, and bisect until you narrow it down. I agree it looks right 🤔