ctx.db undefined
I am trying to use .get to get an entry by its id but I am getting the error Server Error
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'get')
Here is my code snippet:
export const chat = action({
args: {
imageId: v.string(),
handler: async (ctx, args) => {
const document = await ctx.db.get(args.imageId);
return await ctx.storage.getUrl(document.body);
3 Replies
Hi @ThePndaXpres—actions can't interact with the database directly, but they can call other queries and mutations which do. See https://docs.convex.dev/functions/actions
Actions | Convex Developer Hub
Actions can call third party services to do things such as processing a payment
thank you!
In this particular example above, you may just wish to use a query instead