v6mo ago

Confect Alpha

4 Replies
RJ6mo ago
🚨 Alpha is live 🚨 A few important notes: - For now, check out the test directory to understand how to get going. In particular these three files: - test/convex/schema.ts – This is where you define your Confect schema. Be sure to also export default the Convex version of the schema! - test/convex/confect.ts – This is where you define and export the Confect versions of Convex functions. You can probably just copy the contents of this file. I think I'd prefer to just generate it for the user at some point. - test/convex/functions.ts – Here are lots of simple examples how to write Confect functions! - Note that for now, at least, any optional field Schemas (i.e. { foo?: string }) you define must use Schema.optionalWith(Schema.String, { exact: true }). Schema.optional(Schema.String) will fail to compile. I'll explain in the README why this is necessary eventually—or just remove this restriction. - Confect functions may not return undefined or void—use null (and Schema.Null as the returns validator) instead. Convex coerces undefined/void returns to null anyways (in the JS API, at least)—so this just makes it more explicit. - This probably goes without saying, but the API, though in its fundamentals is very close to final, is not stable. But I want to get it there—alongside some documentation, of course—ASAP. Hopefully this is enough to get you started. Thanks for being user #1 ❤️ If you run into any issues or have any feedback, definitely let me know! And to anyone else who may be reading this, please feel free to give it a go as well (with the above caveats in mind)!
Wayne6mo ago
Thanks RJ!
vOP6mo ago
@RJ is it possible to get enums working in the schema eg
const Role = Enums({

const users = defineTable(
username: String.pipe(maxLength(32)),
password_hash: String,
role: Role
).index('byUsername', ['username']);
const Role = Enums({

const users = defineTable(
username: String.pipe(maxLength(32)),
password_hash: String,
role: Role
).index('byUsername', ['username']);
Using union with literal now
RJ6mo ago
Yeah Union with Literal is the intended way to do that, but I could probably support Enums too!

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