Adeh5mo ago

Auth provider discovery failed

I use convex auth for my authentication. The authentication provider I used is Google oauth. When I sign in with Google, I get GET /api/auth/callback/* 302 on the logs and got the error below on the browser console. [CONVEX FATAL ERROR] Auth provider discovery of failed Uncaught Error: [CONVEX FATAL ERROR] Auth provider discovery of failed at 311-3255b76b5959bd09.js:2:23919 at A.onMessage (311-3255b76b5959bd09.js:2:23928) at WebSocket.<anonymous> (311-3255b76b5959bd09.js:2:11222) I did not get any error of the sort in the dev deployment only in the production.
6 Replies
sshader5mo ago
I'd check that all your environment variables (particularly JWKS + JWT_PRIVATE_KEY) are set up in your prod deployment (either looking in the dashboard or with npx convex env list --prod). Do you see HTTP requests to /.well-known/<other stuff> endpoints in your Convex logs? I believe those are the endpoints used in auth provider discovery
AdehOP5mo ago
I did not add the JWKS before but nnow I have added it and it is still the same. The http requests to /.well-known/jkws and openid all have status code of 200. I have attached a screenshot of the log
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ballingt5mo ago
Was there any change later @Adeh? wondering if it could have been a caching issue after you added the JWKS
AdehOP5mo ago
I cleared all the data in its database and also cookies on my browser and redeployed it but it still did not work @ballingt How do I go about the caching issue you mentioned?
sshader5mo ago
Hmm so far the only way I've been able to hit this error is when my JWKS is set to an invalid value. I'd recommend going through the set up script again (npx @convex-dev/auth --prod) and having it overwrite the JWKS + JWT_PRIVATE_KEY values (say "y" to Step 2).
AdehOP5mo ago
I will try that It works now after I ran the setup script. Thank you 🙏

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