✖ Failed to authorize ... configured in CONVEX_DEPLOYMENT, run `npx convex dev` to configure
I get: ✖ Failed to authorize "polite-parrot-32" configured in CONVEX_DEPLOYMENT, run
npx convex dev
to configure a Convex project, upon running a command npx convex env get CLERK_SECRET_KEY2 Replies
For context, since I realised this is pretty unclear. I am running , and get the above error, along with 'bad admin key' when I run the debugger, I would greatly appreciate any help
where are you running this from?
npx convex env
determines its auth from either your home directory ~/.convex/config.json
when doing something from CI / Vercel / etc.
if you're running some debugger that's in a VM or docker container, I wonder if you could mount in your convex key, or set an env var with the right value in that container