Matt Luo
Matt Luo5mo ago

Convex Ents: inconsistent singularization of field names

In Convex Ents many-to-many relationships, I noticed that Convex Ents generates field names that use tables names themselves, as opposed to the singular forms of those table names. This behavior is inconsistent with the one-to-one and one-to-many relationships, which generate fields using the singular form of table names. Let's take the example in Here, I think Convex Ents generates field names in the messages_to_assignedTags junction table as tagsId and messagesId. If Convex Ents were consistent with one-to-many relationships, the generated fields would be tagId and messageId. 1) What is the expected behavior of Convex Ents? 2) My table names have a plural form, e.g. messages. To best use Convex Ents now and in the future, should the fields in junction tables use the singular or plural form of table names? i.e. messageId or messagesId?
Ent Schema - Convex Ents
Relations, default values, unique fields and more for Convex
1 Reply
Matt Luo
Matt LuoOP5mo ago
By the way, I was able to use the field option to make the many-to-many succeed with singular-named columns.