`Many documents read in a single
Many documents read in a single function execution (actual: 14837, limit: 16384). Consider using smaller limits in your queries, paginating your queries, or using indexed queries with a selective index range expressions.
1 Reply
If i have to read lets say a 1000 documents for a user and show it in a datatable. How should i be dividing that?
It becomes neccasary here to use paginated query then or is there any other way?
I'm writing a CRM
and what i'm trying todo is to get all "Leads" + "Client info" + "Tasks" they have in a query.
How should i be handling that?
const filteredLeads = allLeads.filter((lead) => staffIds.includes(lead.assignedStaff));
const leadsWithClientandTaskInfo = await Promise.all(
filteredLeads.map(async (lead) => {
const client = await ctx.db.get(lead.client);
const tasks = await ctx.db.query("leadTask").filter((q) => q.eq(q.field("lead"), lead._id)).order("desc").collect();
return {
} as LeadWithClientAndTask;
type Lead = Doc<"leads">;
type Client = Doc<"clients">;
type TaskWithClient = Doc<"leadTask"> & { clientId: string };
type LeadWithClientAndTask = Lead & { client: Client; tasks: TaskWithClient[] };