Error boundary template/example
I'm looking for an example of an app-wide error boundary that will show a custom page when a ConvexError is thrown in mutations or queries. Does anyone have a simple example of this?
3 Replies
Error Handling | Convex Developer Hub
There are four reasons why your Convex
Yeah I use the one from Sentry to wrap my app, and another from expo router to handle unauth redirects.
This could be a useful example of a vanilla Error Boundary:
And this is a helpful package for common scenarios:
templates/template-react-vite-clerk-shadcn/src/ErrorBoundary.tsx at...
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GitHub - bvaughn/react-error-boundary: Simple reusable React error ...
Simple reusable React error boundary component. Contribute to bvaughn/react-error-boundary development by creating an account on GitHub.