flowfield - physics-based action game
I did a game jam this weekend and decided to use Convex to build a simple online scoreboard for my game!
You can check it out at https://alixii.itch.io/flowfield. To submit and view scores you'll have to download one of the MacOS builds (or build the project from scratch). There's also a WASM version available to try in the browser, but I unfortunately wasn't able to connect it to the leaderboard due to issues with Rust and WASM.
This was my first time using Convex HTTP actions; I found they were very easy to set up and have been working very well so far. I also tried using Zod validators for the first time; the Zod helpers in
were super useful.
Here's the GitHub repository: https://github.com/reeceyang/flowfield/
Check out the thread below for a demo video:5 Replies
@alixi nice! The online scoreboard looks fun! Thanks for sharing! I see a 404 on the GitHub link.
just made the repository public so should be visible now!
Such an awesome game idea!
this is super lit