5 Replies
nope, just deploying the old code. With the nature of schema changes, a rollback wouldn't always be possible anyways, since you may have written data that is no longer valid with your old schema. If you are in a pinch I have some validation helpers like
and pretend
you can throw in temporarilyare these helpers documented somewhere? or coming soon?
Helpers could use a good docs page I'll admit. There's the npm readme but it's light on the
and pretend
The docstrings in the validators.ts
file are the best documentation right now. https://www.npmjs.com/package/convex-helpers?activeTab=code for the latest release, or https://github.com/get-convex/convex-helpers/blob/main/packages/convex-helpers/validators.ts for what's on main
Hey Ian, wanting to use pretend and deprecated but running into #Using migration helpers
and deprecated
with a zod schema
I'm also wondering if deprecated will prevent data from being written to it at run time or compile time or both?Deprecated allows reading & writing anything or nothing - it's only a type cast to discourage usage, meant to be temporary until you clear the values with a migration