burnstony#19756mo ago

React Native Clerk

I am trying top submit my app to the apple app store but it was rejected because of a bug with my Clerk integration "Bug description: The app remained on the login page after we tapped on Continue with Google and logged in with an account." my app is directly derived from this https://www.convex.dev/templates/monorepo i think the integration is similar or the same to https://docs.convex.dev/auth/clerk but I am currrently reviewing that and checking Has anyone submitted a clerk app wioth clerk integration successfully to Apple?
Monorepo with Next.js and Expo
The backend application platform with everything you need to build your product.
Convex & Clerk | Convex Developer Hub
Clerk is an authentication platform providing login via
19 Replies
Michal Srb
Michal Srb6mo ago
Is the auth totally broken, so the reviewer could not proceed? Can you replicate the issue?
burnstony#1975OP6mo ago
yes I think I can replicate it will log in eventually, or most the time LOG google oauth started google WARN [Error: ClerkJS: Network error at "https://fair-moth-69.clerk.accounts.dev/v1/client/sign_ins?_clerk_js_version=5.5.3&_is_native=1" - TypeError: Network request failed. Please try again.] ERROR OAuth error [TypeError: Cannot read property 'toString' of null] WARN [Error: ClerkJS: Network error at "https://fair-moth-69.clerk.accounts.dev/v1/client/sign_ins?_clerk_js_version=5.5.3&_is_native=1" - TypeError: Network request failed. Please try again.] ERROR OAuth error [TypeError: Cannot read property 'toString' of null] but sometimes it will just sit on the continue with google page
burnstony#1975OP6mo ago
No description
burnstony#1975OP6mo ago
either before or after logging in with google. Some cobination of waiting and trying again, I think than works or if not than I restart the app and now when I hit continue with google it just goes straight in like Im already logged in now not logging in at all, but I haven't changed anything
burnstony#1975OP6mo ago
and now getting a new error
No description
burnstony#1975OP6mo ago
OAuth error Object code: "ERR_WEB_BROWSER_ALREADY_OPEN" jsEngine: "hermes" message: "Calling the 'openAuthSessionAsync' function has failed\n→ Caused by: Another web browser is already open" stack: "Error: Calling the 'openAuthSessionAsync' function has failed\n→ Caused by: Another web browser is already open\n at construct (native)\n at apply (native)\n at _construct (\n at Wrapper (\n at construct (native)\n at _callSuper (\n at CodedError (" proto: {constructor: ƒ} after killing app and restarting back to getting this error OAuth error Object jsEngine: "hermes" message: "Cannot read property 'toString' of null" stack: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'toString' of null\n at ?anon0 (\n at next (native)\n at asyncGeneratorStep
burnstony#1975OP6mo ago
clerkError: true clerkTraceId: undefined errors: Array(1) 0: code: "signed_out" longMessage: "You are signed out" message: "Signed out" meta: emailAddresses: undefined identifiers: undefined paramName: undefined sessionId: undefined zxcvbn: undefined __proto__: {__proto__: null, constructor: ƒ, toString: ƒ, toLocaleString: ƒ, valueOf: ƒ, hasOwnProperty: ƒ, isPrototypeOf: ƒ, propertyIsEnumerable: ƒ, __defineGetter__: ƒ, __defineSetter__: ƒ, …} __proto__: {__proto__: null, constructor: ƒ, toString: ƒ, toLocaleString: ƒ, valueOf: ƒ, hasOwnProperty: ƒ, isPrototypeOf: ƒ, propertyIsEnumerable: ƒ, __defineGetter__: ƒ, __defineSetter__: ƒ, …} length: 1 __proto__: [] jsEngine: "hermes" message: "" stack: "Error\n at construct (native)\n at apply (native)\n at _construct (htt]]]]]] ...
Michal Srb
Michal Srb6mo ago
First I would try to isolate whether this is related to Convex or not. If you remove Convex, do you still get the error? If no, you should reach out to Clerk on their discord.
burnstony#1975OP6mo ago
I don't think its a Convex problem, but I also think its probably not a Clerk problem. I think its a problem with https://www.convex.dev/templates/monorepo
Monorepo with Next.js and Expo
The backend application platform with everything you need to build your product.
burnstony#1975OP6mo ago
Monorepo template with Turborepo, Next.js, Expo, Clerk, Convex - get-convex/turbo-expo-nextjs-clerk-convex-monorepo
burnstony#1975OP6mo ago
I think I missed your message from my earlier question https://discord.com/channels/1019350475847499849/1255556057573494906/1255896155523649547 so maybe thats the problem, and I need to update my clerk version which I think I got from that template
Michal Srb
Michal Srb6mo ago
I see, I have never tried that approach to OAuth. Updating is a good idea, although you might want to stick to latest of v4.
burnstony#1975OP6mo ago
i had accidentally added clerk-react, in addition to clerk/clerk-react not sure if it's realted to this but now the yarn warning is gone it does appear to be Clerk as far as I can tell. Whats teh point of Clerk if it doesn't work Thinking maybe it’s having trouble working with navigation - their example uses expo-router and links
burnstony#1975OP6mo ago
Also convex now just announced convex auth https://www.convex.dev/auth
Convex Auth
Auth integrated right into your backend
burnstony#1975OP6mo ago
burnstony#1975OP6mo ago
Expo Documentation
Navigate between pages
Learn how to create links to move between pages.
burnstony#1975OP6mo ago
OK - I think I've figured out when it happens it appears things get wonky if the "Continue with Google" is pushed twice. adding WebBrowser.maybeCompleteAuthSession(); to the on press, makes it so that it will eventually work. However if its pressed twice I still get the behavior of logging in with google but ending up back in the Login screen the app seems to work pretty well if the internet is good and wifi is normal was working on it in library yesterday, which has a pop up login to use wifi and the wifi is slow and was getting lots of problems const onPress = async (authType: string) => { try { WebBrowser.maybeCompleteAuthSession(); I'm considering this resolved - but the template does need some updates Not sure I'll ever get time, but if I eventually understand whats going on I'll want to make a PR to the template for the mono repo
Michal Srb
Michal Srb6mo ago
I recommend disabling the button after the first click. This is what I do in the RN template I'm working on for Convex Auth.
burnstony#1975OP6mo ago
that solved the problem with the browser