Mutating other DB
One more. If i create a http file in a person’s convex project with mutations, i can send request to that http file then to mutate convex for other person’s convex db right. If there’s a better way todo it
6 Replies
What are you trying to achieve?
Hey Michal,
so i was trying to create a small cms for my project that requires alot of forms and fields, and i was trying to automate some of the data fields adding with some additional components like uploading files and wanted a way for user to add it through UI with pre made mutations i had written.
Lets say user starts a new project, put in the http file i provide through my app. and through my app they add a input field, as the functions are in http file in their project, it can send request to add schema (mutation function). so they don't write it manually.
makes sense ?
I would stick with a single Convex instance.
A single Convex instance can:
1. Store data for multiple customers
2. Store metadata for each customer
The metadata can drive your UI / forms etc.
You can ensure that customers can access only their own data inside your queries and mutations.
I think i didn't explain myself correctly.
I am not trying to let users add data to my convex instance, rather their own convex instance through my app.
Instead of writing mutation themselves, they can use my app to add mutations for their own convex instance.
I see, then the answer to your original question is yes.
What a chad!