noob saibot
noob saibot8mo ago

Using Doppler with Convex

Hello Convex Team, does Convex work with doppler? ( or are there plans for future integration?
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4 Replies
erquhart8mo ago
You can set env vars via CLI, and they mentioned an integration with Doppler had at least been discussed a while back: That said I've used Convex with Doppler from day one and did fine without an integration. That's as a single developer running "CI" on my local, though, so might feel it more when I hit production and have a team.
Michal Srb
Michal Srb8mo ago
It's on our long todo list, but no timeline yet. People got it to work though.
noob saibot
noob saibotOP8mo ago
@erquhart Could you give an example (if possible) of how you've been using doppler with convex? Is it essentially to "inline" doppler env with convex command? something like: doppler secrets download ... && convex dev/build...?
erquhart8mo ago
Use doppler run - here's my dev command from package.json:
"convex-dev": "doppler run -p convex -c dev -- npx convex dev --tail-logs",
"convex-dev": "doppler run -p convex -c dev -- npx convex dev --tail-logs",

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