Convex + Expo Production Deployment
Any advice on the best way to deploy to production?
I’ve been thinking about this a lot while my app is in development and have messed up my test flight build a few times (it’s pointing to my dev instance)
If I want to make production db changes that could be breaking what’s the best way to ensure that my app frontend is also updated simultaneously?
I’ve considered OTA updates and trying to time it with my convex prod deploy maybe through a GitHub action ? Either way there’s a chance that there’s some down time if one or the other fails for some reason.
I appreciate any insights or advice! 🙏
3 Replies
Regardless of architecture, I'd consider getting "simultaneous" out of the conversation. Assume it'll never truly be simultaneous and ship breaking changes in a non-breaking, two step minimum way.
The "Deploying Your App to Production" doc has some guidance on this:
Deploying Your App to Production | Convex Developer Hub
Convex is built to serve live, production app traffic. Here we cover how to
Thank you! @Michal Srb !