here's another example schema flowchart
here's another example schema flowchart! from one of my projects

3 Replies
I installed the package and added console.log(schemaToMermaid(schema));
to my schema file, but I dont see it logging the mermaid code anywhere
can you maybe elaborate in the README how to use this
hey! I'm going to update the README soon but here's a command that you can run in your terminal that should print out the schema:
you can also place the
inside a convex function and then run that function from the convex dashboard, and you'll see it logged on the dashboard logs page@jamwt y'all should add this to the convex dashboard - we're changing our schema constantly and it's a huge pain to keep it up to date in another flowchart tool
It's very hard to have internal discussions over 200+ lines of schema code as you can imagine...